Translation Seminar - ASK600012
The seminar combines the basics of the theory of artistic translation with practical practice in translating texts selected from contemporary Danish prose. Students work on the translation of a common text at home, which is then analysed and compared in detail in the seminar. The aim of the translation seminar is not only to familiarize students with the problems of translating fiction into English, but also to deepen their active and passive knowledge of Scandinavian languages and modern Scandinavian literature.
The seminar will focus on the following issues: Characteristics of the artistic functional style Analysis of expressive devices in the original Equivalence Translation of realia Specifics of translating fiction for children and young people The position of the translator In this course we will translate short stories by contemporary Danish authors with the aim of publishing them in literary periodicals. Last update: Březinová Helena, doc., Ph.D. (09.02.2024)
- pravidelná aktivní účast na seminářích - docházka nejméně 75 % (max. tři absence) Student si zvolí povídku nebo ukázku dle vlastního výběru a v průběhu semestru ji odevzdá a s vyučující absolvuje standardní redakční proces. Last update: Březinová Helena, doc., Ph.D. (09.02.2024)