Topics (not necessarily presented in this order):
1. Grammar and Context (grammaticality, prescriptive and descriptive approach, unit of description in written and spoken language; types of context)
2. Variation (situation/linguistic features, dimensions of variation, multidimensional approach); Grammar in the narrative: clause and phrase complexity
3. Grammar in informal dialogue: The Friends sitcom and natural conversation
4. Grammar in "Cinderella Texts" - recipes, menus, TV programmes, etc.
5. Grammar and FSP - linearity: syntactic constructions signalling FSP (existential construction, passive, cleft and pseudo-cleft, clauses with a locative subject etc.)
6. Grammar and FSP - context and semantic factor: definiteness and FSP, focalizers (articles and other devices signalling context dependence, focusing subjuncts)
7. Ditransitive complementation: syntactic and semantic analysis
8. Negation: clausal / local negation, double negation, words negative in meaning but positive in form etc.
9. Grammar in newspaper reports
10. Morpho-syntactic analysis of selected texts
11. Students’ presentations
Last update: BRUHOVA/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (09.02.2012)
Topics (not necessarily presented in this order):
1. Grammar and Context (grammaticality, prescriptive and descriptive approach, unit of description in written and spoken language; types of context)
2. Variation (situation/linguistic features, dimensions of variation, multidimensional approach); Grammar in the narrative: clause and phrase complexity
3. Grammar in informal dialogue: The Friends sitcom and natural conversation
4. Grammar in "Cinderella Texts" - recipes, menus, TV programmes, etc.
5. Grammar and FSP - linearity: syntactic constructions signalling FSP (existential construction, passive, cleft and pseudo-cleft, clauses with a locative subject etc.)
6. Grammar and FSP - context and semantic factor: definiteness and FSP, focalizers (articles and other devices signalling context dependence, focusing subjuncts)
7. Ditransitive complementation: syntactic and semantic analysis
8. Negation: clausal vs. local negation, double negation, words negative in meaning but positive in form etc.
9. Grammar in newspaper reports
10. Morpho-syntactic analysis of selected texts
11. Students’ presentations
Last update: BRUHOVA/PEDF.CUNI.CZ (09.02.2012)