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Teachers, academic year 2024/2025
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doc. Mgr. Kateřina Zábrodská, Ph.D.
Address: Praha
Additional information:
Faculty: Faculty of Arts
Department: Department of Psychology (21-KPS)
Phone: 221619659
Consultation hours:
Courses   Schedule   Noticeboard   
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sort in descending ordersort in ascending orderCodesort in descending ordersort in ascending orderTitlesort in descending ordersort in ascending orderSemesterHours per week, examinationDepartmentFacultyVirtual mobilityCapacity4EU+
detail APS300490 Positive Psychology summer summer s.:1/1, C [HT] 21-KPS FF no no
detail APS300448 Qualitative research in practice summer summer s.:1/1, C [HT] 21-KPS FF no no
detail AXPPOAK02 Publications and Research Activities II winter winter s.:0/0, --- [HT]
summer s.:0/0, other [HT]
21-KPS FF no no
detail AXPPOAK03 Publications and Research Activities III winter winter s.:0/0, --- [HT]
summer s.:0/0, other [HT]
21-KPS FF no no
detail AXPPOAK04 Publications and Research Activities IV winter winter s.:0/0, --- [HT]
summer s.:0/0, other [HT]
21-KPS FF no no
detail AXPPOAK05 Publications and Research Activities V winter winter s.:0/0, --- [HT]
summer s.:0/0, other [HT]
21-KPS FF no no
detail AXPPOAK06 Publications and Research Activities VI winter winter s.:0/0, --- [HT]
summer s.:0/0, other [HT]
21-KPS FF no no
detail AXPPOAK07 Publications and Research Activities VII winter winter s.:0/0, --- [HT]
summer s.:0/0, other [HT]
21-KPS FF no no
detail AXPPOAK08 Publications and Research Activities VIII winter winter s.:0/0, --- [HT]
summer s.:0/0, other [HT]
21-KPS FF no no
detail APS300463 Diploma Seminar in Work and Organizational Psychology winter winter s.:0/2, C [HT] 21-KPS FF no no
detail APS100019E Introduction to Psychology of Work and Organization winter winter s.:2/0, Ex [HT] 21-KPS FF no no
detail APS500033 Methodological Practice in Psychology winter winter s.:1/1, C [HT] 21-KPS FF no no
detail APS500014 Methods of work and organizational psychology winter winter s.:1/1, C [HT] 21-KPS FF no no
detail AXPPDOS01 Doctoral Seminar I winter winter s.:0/2, --- [HT]
summer s.:0/2, other [HT]
21-KPS FF no no
detail AXPPSPE15 Theoretical and methodological fundamentals of work and organization psychology winter winter s.:0/0, --- [HT]
summer s.:0/0, other [HT]
21-KPS FF no no
detail AXPPTMS02 Departmental Theoretical and Methodological Seminar winter winter s.:0/0, --- [HT]
summer s.:0/0, other [HT]
21-KPS FF no no
detail AXPKTMS05 Critical evaluation seminar winter winter s.:0/0, other [HT] 21-KPS FF no no
detail AXPPSPE04 Social psychology winter winter s.:0/0, --- [HT]
summer s.:0/0, other [HT]
21-KPS FF no no
detail AXPPSPE03 Psychology of work and management winter winter s.:0/0, --- [HT]
summer s.:0/0, other [HT]
21-KPS FF no no
detail AXPPSPE05 Social psychology winter winter s.:0/0, --- [HT]
summer s.:0/0, other [HT]
21-KPS FF no no
detail AXPPSPE06 Forensic psychology winter winter s.:0/0, --- [HT]
summer s.:0/0, other [HT]
21-KPS FF no no
detail AXPPSPE07 Evolution psychology winter winter s.:0/0, --- [HT]
summer s.:0/0, other [HT]
21-KPS FF no no
detail AXPPSPE08 Psychology of personality winter winter s.:0/0, --- [HT]
summer s.:0/0, other [HT]
21-KPS FF no no
detail AXPPSPE09 Psychology of work and organization winter winter s.:0/0, --- [HT]
summer s.:0/0, other [HT]
21-KPS FF no no
detail APS100019 Introduction to Psychology of Work and Organization winter winter s.:2/2, Ex [HT] 21-KPS FF no no
detail APS100096 Psychology of Work and Organization winter winter s.:2/2, Ex [HT] 21-KPS FF no no
detail AXPKTMS02 Theoretical and Methodological Seminar II winter winter s.:0/2, --- [HT]
summer s.:0/2, other [HT]
21-KPS FF no no
detail AXPPTMS03 Departmental Theoretical and Methodological Seminar II winter winter s.:0/0, --- [HT]
summer s.:0/0, other [HT]
21-KPS FF no no
detail AXPSDOS01 Doctoral Seminar I winter winter s.:0/2, --- [HT]
summer s.:0/2, other [HT]
21-KPS FF no no
detail AXPKTMS02E Theoretical and Methodological Seminar II winter winter s.:0/2, --- [HT]
summer s.:0/2, other [HT]
21-KPS FF no no
detail AXPPTMS03E Departmental Theoretical and Methodological Seminar II winter winter s.:0/0, --- [HT]
summer s.:0/0, other [HT]
21-KPS FF no no
detail AXPPDOS01E Doctoral Seminar I winter winter s.:0/2, --- [HT]
summer s.:0/2, other [HT]
21-KPS FF no no
detail AXPPTMS02E Departmental Theoretical and Methodological Seminar winter winter s.:0/0, --- [HT]
summer s.:0/0, other [HT]
21-KPS FF no no
detail AXPPSPE03E Psychology of work and management for doctoral studies winter winter s.:0/0, --- [HT]
summer s.:0/0, other [HT]
21-KPS FF no no
detail AXPPSPE04E Social psychology for doctoral studies winter winter s.:0/0, --- [HT]
summer s.:0/0, other [HT]
21-KPS FF no no
detail AXPPSPE06E Forensic psychology winter winter s.:0/0, --- [HT]
summer s.:0/0, other [HT]
21-KPS FF no no
detail AXPPSPE08E Psychology of personality winter winter s.:0/0, --- [HT]
summer s.:0/0, other [HT]
21-KPS FF no no
detail AXPPSPE09E Psychology of work and organization winter winter s.:0/0, --- [HT]
summer s.:0/0, other [HT]
21-KPS FF no no
detail AXPPSPE05E Social psychology winter winter s.:0/0, --- [HT]
summer s.:0/0, other [HT]
21-KPS FF no no
detail AXPPSPE07E Evolution psychology winter winter s.:0/0, --- [HT]
summer s.:0/0, other [HT]
21-KPS FF no no
detail AXPPSPE15E Theoretical and methodological fundamentals of work and organization psychology winter winter s.:0/0, --- [HT]
summer s.:0/0, other [HT]
21-KPS FF no no
detail AXPKTMS05E Critical evaluation seminar winter winter s.:0/0, other [HT] 21-KPS FF no no
detail AXPSDOS01E Doctoral Seminar I winter winter s.:0/2, --- [HT]
summer s.:0/2, other [HT]
21-KPS FF no no
detail APS500025 Psychology of Work and Organization Diploma Thesis Seminar winter winter s.:0/2, C [HT] 21-KPS FF no no
detail AXPPOAK01 Publications and Research Activities I winter winter s.:0/0, --- [HT]
summer s.:0/0, other [HT]
21-KPS FF no no
detail AXPPOAK09 Internship Abroad winter winter s.:0/0, --- [HT]
summer s.:0/0, other [HT]
21-KPS FF no no
detail AXPPOAK00 Publications and Research Activities I - Total Requirement Completed winter winter s.:0/0, --- [HT]
summer s.:0/0, other [HT]
21-KPS FF no no
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