Classification > Geology
  Code Classification number of available courses
detail GELAPL Applied Geophysics 50
detail GELEXT External Subjects 99
detail GELGEN General Subjects 161
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sort in descending ordersort in ascending orderCodesort in descending ordersort in ascending orderTitlesort in descending ordersort in ascending orderSemesterHours per week, examinationDepartmentFacultyVirtual mobilityCapacity4EU+
detail MG451T59 Field course of mapping and data collection in engineering geology summer summer s.:0/2, C [TS] 31-450 11310 no no
detail MG451T41 Field course of hydrogeology and engineering geology summer summer s.:0/5, C [DS] 31-450 11310 no no
detail MG451T10 Field course of hydrogeology summer summer s.:0/10, C [DS] 31-450 11310 no no
detail MG451P55E 4EU+ Soil mechanics I winter winter s.:2/3, C+Ex [HT] 31-450 11310 no no
detail MG451P36 Mathematics III. winter winter s.:2/2, C+Ex [HT] 31-450 11310 no no
detail MG451P33 Special Topics on Hydrogeology summer summer s.:0/2, C [HT] 31-450 11310 no no
detail MG451P18E Groudwater Protection I summer summer s.:2/1, Ex [HT] 31-450 11310 no no
detail MG451P16 Hydrogeological data interpretation I. winter winter s.:2/1, MC [HT] 31-450 11310 no no
detail MG451P13G Regional Hydrogeology - lectures summer summer s.:3/0, Ex [HT] 31-450 11310 no no
detail MG451P13 Regional Hydrogeology summer summer s.:3/2, C+Ex [HT] 31-450 11310 no no
detail MG451DP5B Diploma project IV summer summer s.:0/20, C [HT] 31-450 11310 no no
detail MG451DP5A Diploma project III winter winter s.:0/5, C [HT] 31-450 11310 no no
detail MG451DP4B Diploma project II summer summer s.:0/1, C [HT] 31-450 11310 no no
detail MG451DP4A Diploma project I winter winter s.:0/1, C [HT] 31-450 11310 no no
detail MG420P04 Sequence Stratigraphy winter winter s.:2/1, C+Ex [HT] 31-420 11310 no no
detail MG420P01 Geoarchaeology winter winter s.:1/2, C+Ex [HT] 31-420 11310 no no