Aleš Socha
Family name(s): | Socha | |
Other/given name(s): | Aleš | |
Personal number (UKČO): | 23492102 | |
Citizenship: | Czech Republic | |
Permanent residence in the CR: | Yes | |
Permanent residence: | Staré Město, U Chodníčku 494, PSČ 73801 | |
Mobile phone: | +420 777117320 | |
E-mail address: | | |
Type of study: | Bachelor's | |
Form of study: | full-time | |
Study programme: | Physics (B0533A110001) | |
Branch of study: | Physics | |
Year: | 4 | |
Faculty: | Faculty of Mathematics and Physics | |
The year of admission to study: | 2021 | |
Study state: | studying | |
Students works: | Fabrication and characterization of bi-metallic nanoparticle films |