The module Thesis serves for displaying announced topics of diploma thesis and assigning the topics to student. The students can add an annotation and a solution to the topic assigned to them.
In the List of assignments you can choose the topics to work with. Set your requirements into the filter.
The filter contains the following items:
- Faculty - choose from the list
- Subdivision - choose from the list
- tick including external if needed
- Department - choose from the list
- tick including external if needed
- Type of study - choose from the list
- Specialization - choose from the list
- Supervisor of assignment - choose from the list
- Study program - choose from the list
- Fulltest search - you can search in the title or in other text fields
- Course - choose from the list
- Year of assignment - choose from the list of years, when a topic has been announced
- Year of defencd - choose from the list of years, when a thesis has been defended
- Type of assignment - choose from the list
- Assignments - mark one of the possibilities:
- all
- in progress
- defended
- not assigned
- not finished
- my assignments
- Display ... results per page - how many topics per page should be displayed
The topics must satisfy all criteria set into the filter simultaneously.