Teachers is a list of all teachers of the chosen faculty sorted by departments.
Clicking on

, or clicking on the name of a teacher, opens a page with all information about the teacher and with a list of his/her subjects:
The displayed details concerning the teacher could differ according to the system settings.
Clicking on the abbreviation of the teacher's department moves to the
Department page.
Meaning of the columns of the table:
- displays Details of the subject
- Code - the code of the subject - clicking on the code displays Details of the subject
- Title - the title of the subject - clicking on the title displays Details of the subject
- Term - in which term the subject is taught
- Term, examination - number of hours per week of lectures and practicals + way of examination
- Department - the department guaranteeing the subject - clicking on the department's name displays a list of all subjects of the Department
- Faculty
The subjects printed in gray are not taught in the chosen academic year!
The table can be sorted by the code, by the term or by the title of the subject using the icons
