The Details of the course page contains detailed information on the chosen course. Depending on the completeness of the information to the course, it is divided into several windows:
- Basic information on the course - the data concerning the extent and the way of teaching, guarantors, classes, classification and enrollment conditions (if applicable). From the following entries, you can move to other sections of the module by clicking on the blue text:
- Capacity - the number of places for the course, or the sum of the capacities of parallel classes of the course.
Possible results:
- a number - maximum capacity
- unlimited - there is no capacity defined and at least one schedule item exists with an unlimited capacity
- unknown - the capacity of the course is not defined and there are no schedule items for the course for the chosen academic year and term
- Is guaranteed by course - a reference to a course in which the viewed course is taught
- For which faculty - an abbreviation of another faculty, for whose students the course is intended
- Subsequent - a reference to a course which is obligatory to register together with the chosen course (and their schedule items are linked)
Note: Some of the above need not to be displayed if the corresponding data are not available.
- Enrollment restrictions - a link to the details of a course
- Pre-requisite - course A, a pre-requisite of a course P.
This is a more strict form of a co-requisite. A student must have passed course P prior to enrollment in the course A. It is not enough to enroll in course P at the same time as in course A.
- Co-requisite - course A, a co-requisite of a course K.
A course K is a co-requisite for course A, means that if a student has not passed the course K yet, and wants to enroll in the course A, he/she must enroll in the course K at least at the same time as in the course A. (If there are several courses mentioned here, the student must have passed or enrolled in all of them before enrolling in course A.)
- Incompatibility - course A is incompatible with a course N.
Incompatibility with a course N means that if a student has passed course N, or he/she is enrolled in it in the current semester, he/she is not allowed to enroll in course A as well. (If there are several courses mentioned here, each of them prevents the enrollment in the course A.)
- Interchangeability - course A is interchangeable with a course Z.
Interchangeability of course A with course Z means that whenever a fulfillment (pass) of course A is required, it is sufficient to pass the course Z. (If there are more courses mentioned here, each of them is sufficient.)
It is important to note that neither the relation of interchangeability, nor the relation of incompatibility are symmetric! Therefore the opposite relations are displayed here as well, i.e. interchangeable for and incompatible for. Similarly co-requisite for and pre-requisite for. From this one can derive which courses can be chosen as a continuation of the course.
- References to other modules: - are displayed only in case that a given module is installed and the link is permitted by the configuration.
- Examination dates - 'Examination dates - registration' - a possibility to enlist for an exam (for students who are enrolled in the course and have not passed it yet)
- Schedule - 'Schedule' - displays the schedule of the course
- Noticeboard - 'Noticeboard' - displays a table of messages concerning the chosen course (if there are any posted)
- Evaluation results - 'Evaluation of courses' - displays students' evaluation and comments on the course
- Enrolled students - 'Enrollment in courses' - displays a list of students enrolled in the course (only for teachers)
- Files - attached files to download - depending on the system settings
- Annotation - a brief description of the course - several language versions may be available
- Syllabus - a detailed description of the course, including e.g. the division into individual lectures and their content - several language versions may be available
- Literature - a list of recommended literature
- Statistics - statistics of attendance of the course in previous academic years
- # preliminarily enrolled - number of preliminarily enrolled students in the module Enrollment in courses
- # in schedule - number of students enrolled in at least one of the parallel classes of the course in the schedule
- # definitely enrolled excluding recognized - number of students who have really enrolled in the course at the study department and who have no recognition of the fulfillment of the course (i.e. really visiting it)
- # completed - the number of students who have successfully completed the course in the given year and who have no recognition of its fulfillment from their previous studies
- % success - how many percent of the 'definitely enrolled excluding recognized' students have successfully completed the course
- average grade - average final grade of the successful students (excluding recognized)
- # examinations - number of examinations done (excluding recognized)
- average number of attempts of the exam for a successful student
- Schedule of events - a detailed schedule for the course, in case that the schedule of events is used (older version of scheduling)