The Committee module displays information about committees entered in the SIS, details about their members, and their meeting dates.
Overview menu section allows you to browse through committees, search for committees using filter settings, and to view the
details of a selected committee
The filter in the overview section contains the following fields:
- Faculty - select from the Faculty codebook
- Area - select from the codebook of Committee type areas
- Type - select from the codebook of Committee types (selection is limited by the selected Area). The
icon can be used to change the display order of names and codes.
- Academic year (period)
- Abbreviation - committee identifier, does not need to be unique, subcommittee abbreviation corresponds to that of the supercommittee
- Committee code - committee ID
- Name - name of the committee – can be entered in English
- Subject area - subject area to which the committee is tied
- Stipend type - stipend proposals for T-type committees
- Department - select from the codebook of departments
- Superior committee - select from the list of superior committees. All subcommittees that have this committee selected as their superior committee will be listed
- Members
- search for a specific member
- active only
- non-active only
- all
- validity of the member's function on the specified date (can be entered)
- Superior committee / Subcommittee / Both - committee types to be displyaed
- Date of meeting from, date of meeting until
- Active only - with this option selected, only those committees that have not been invalidated will be listed
- Public only - with this option selected, only those committees will be listed that could be viewed by anonymous users and students
The last two options are pre-selected for anonymous users and students and cannot be edited
- Details - committee details including its memebers