Latina. Četba Husovy Postillae adumbratae (11160)
Basic information | |
Latina. Četba Husovy Postillae adumbratae | |
Variant code (CID): | 11160 |
admission procedure in progress | |
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Language programme | |
Orientation: | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented |
Faculty: | Faculty of Arts |
Language Centre - Latin [21-JCL] | |
Language programme | |
full-time | |
Czech | |
The content of the course will be the reading of the Latin text of Hus' interpretation of the Bible, namely the work Postilla adumbrata. Specifically, we will read the interpretation of Mt 10:16: Ecce, ego mitto vos sicut oves in medio luporum. The reading will be supplemented by an explanation of grammatical phenomena appearing in the text. The teacher will provide the students with the text. Entry level: The course is not suitable for complete beginners - you need to know at least the basics of Latin grammar, especially Latin inflection and tenses. Hus's Latin is usually quite simple - there are significantly fewer complex clauses, conjunctive clauses and participial links than in classical texts. |
Latina. Četba Husovy Postillae adumbratae | |
ne | |
Maturita | |
Schedule details | |
Statistics for the MEYS | |
Language acquisition (0231) | |
Course requirements and qualification acquired | |
závěrečná písemná práce | |
Certification: | Osvědčení o absolvování programu |
0 | |
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Guarantor and venue | |
Mgr. Ladislava Dolanová, Ph.D. | |
Language Centre - Latin | |
Language Centre - Latin | |
Dates and duration | |
2024/2025 | |
winter semester | |
1 | |
20 (total number of hours) | |
Fees and financing | |
2000 Kč / course | |
základní | |
Application | |
Jazykove centrum FF UK, Celetná 20, Praha 1 | |
Mgr. Šimon Dittrich | | | |
221619626 | |
20.09.2024 | |
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Further information | | |