Year |
Faculty |
Part |
Orientation |
Code |
Title |
Application submission deadline |
Programme status |
| 2024/2025 |
Faculty of Science |
Futher Education Centre |
Lifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age |
3602 |
Parasitology [10412] | 10.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové |
Faculty Dean Office |
Lifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age |
U3V1 |
Man and Medicine [10844] | 08.10.2024 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Faculty of Law |
Institute of Lifelong Education - JURIDIKUM |
Lifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age |
8329 |
Právo [10702] | 30.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Faculty of Science |
Futher Education Centre |
Lifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age |
5505 |
Introduction to bioacoustics [10417] | 10.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Hussite Theological Faculty |
HTF - Katedra historické teologie a církevních dějin |
Lifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age |
2904 |
Religionistika pro Univerzitu třetího věku [10805] | 31.08.2024 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Faculty of Social Sciences |
Department of Political Science |
Lifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age |
10425 |
Dějiny univerzit [10425] | 31.05.2024 | admission procedure terminated |
| 2024/2025 |
Hussite Theological Faculty |
HTF - Katedra historické teologie a církevních dějin |
Lifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age |
2904 |
Vzdělávací exkurze U3V - zimní semestr [10808] | 07.10.2023 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Second Faculty of Medicine |
Dean´s Office |
Lifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age |
10566 |
Význam prevence v medicíně [10566] | 31.07.2024 | admission procedure terminated |
| 2024/2025 |
Hussite Theological Faculty |
HTF - Katedra historické teologie a církevních dějin |
Lifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age |
2904 |
Vzdělávací exkurze U3V - letní semestr [10807] | 28.02.2025 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Faculty of Social Sciences |
Institute of International Studies |
Lifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age |
9270 |
Jak úspěšně komunikovat a vyjednávat [10426] | 06.09.2024 | admission procedure terminated |
| 2024/2025 |
Faculty of Social Sciences |
Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism |
Lifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age |
10442 |
Český hraný film v období normalizace [10442] | 31.01.2025 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Hussite Theological Faculty |
HTF - Katedra historické teologie a církevních dějin |
Lifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age |
2904 |
Angličtina pro Univerzitu třetího věku [10802] | 31.08.2024 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Faculty of Education |
Katedra tělesné výchovy |
Lifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age |
6211 |
Movement activities for seniors [10398] | 30.08.2024 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |
Mathematical Institute of Charles University |
Lifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age |
9163 |
Pokročilejší práce na PC - obrázky, úpravy fotografií [10339] | 30.06.2024 | admission procedure terminated |
| 2024/2025 |
Faculty of Social Sciences |
Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism |
Lifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age |
4587 |
Média zblízka I [10430] | 12.06.2024 | admission procedure terminated |
| 2024/2025 |
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |
Department of Mathematics Education |
Lifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age |
10344 |
Základy finanční matematiky (Poděbrady) [10344] | 30.06.2024 | admission procedure terminated |
| 2024/2025 |
Faculty of Social Sciences |
Department of Security Studies |
Lifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age |
10436 |
The Modern Middle East: Societies, Politics, War [10436] | 06.09.2024 | admission procedure terminated |
| 2024/2025 |
Protestant Theological Faculty |
Protestant theological faculty |
Lifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age |
10666 |
Introduction to the Protestant Theology I: Religious Studies: Judaism Before and Now [10666] | 31.10.2024 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Hussite Theological Faculty |
HTF - Katedra historické teologie a církevních dějin |
Lifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age |
2904 |
Uvedení do latinského jazyka a římských reálií [10806] | 31.08.2024 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Faculty of Social Sciences |
Institute of Economic Studies |
Lifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age |
4590 |
Matematika a Mona Lisa – aneb je zdravý rozum opravdu zdravý? [10429] | 06.09.2024 | admission procedure terminated |
| 2024/2025 |
Faculty of Social Sciences |
Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism |
Lifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age |
5199 |
Média zblízka II [10443] | 17.12.2024 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Faculty of Social Sciences |
Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism |
Lifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age |
10428 |
Kurz mediální sebeobrany [10428] | 23.06.2024 | admission procedure terminated |
| 2024/2025 |
Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |
Ústav sociálního a posudkového lékařství |
Lifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age |
1770 |
U3V - Člověk ve zdraví i v nemoci. Podpora zdraví a prevence nemocí. [10792] | 30.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |
Centrum CŽV a služeb |
Lifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age |
7815 |
Teorie a praxe v tělovýchově seniorů [11026] | 31.08.2024 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Faculty of Social Sciences |
neurčeno |
Lifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age |
11251 |
Otestování podání online přihlášky [11251] | 01.05.2025 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Faculty of Social Sciences |
Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism |
Lifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age |
4719 |
Seminář výtvarného umění II [10448] | 31.01.2025 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Third Faculty of Medicine |
Dean's Office - Study Division |
Lifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age |
168 |
Vybrané kapitoly z filosofie a etiky [10698] | 30.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Catholic Theological Faculty |
Dean's Office KTF |
Lifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age |
10716 |
Já jsem světlo světa [10716] | 10.02.2025 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Catholic Theological Faculty |
Dean's Office KTF |
Lifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age |
10156 |
Interpretace textů z politické filosofie [10720] | 22.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Faculty of Education |
Katedra dějin a didaktiky dějepisu |
Lifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age |
8408 |
Minulost v přítomnosti IV [10394] | 30.06.2024 | admission procedure terminated |
| 2024/2025 |
First Faculty of Medicine |
Dean´s Office |
Lifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age |
3524 |
Novinky v medicíně [10441] | 30.08.2024 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Faculty of Science |
Futher Education Centre |
Lifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age |
1515 |
Chemistry - an interesting and useful science [10406] | 10.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Faculty of Social Sciences |
Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism |
Lifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age |
4545 |
Seminář výtvarného umění I [10434] | 16.05.2024 | admission procedure terminated |
| 2024/2025 |
Third Faculty of Medicine |
Dean's Office - Study Division |
Lifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age |
167 |
Zdravý životní styl člověka [10680] | 30.11.2024 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Faculty of Education |
Katedra informačních technologií a technické výchovy |
Lifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age |
5143 |
Online agenda pro seniory a její využívání na mobilních zařízeních X [11183] | 15.12.2024 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Protestant Theological Faculty |
Protestant theological faculty |
Lifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age |
11377 |
Introduction to the Protestant Theology (Pilsen): New Testament: Chapters from the gospel of Luke [11377] | 31.03.2025 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Faculty of Education |
Katedra dějin a didaktiky dějepisu |
Lifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age |
7765 |
Péče o kulturní dědictví [11173] | 15.12.2024 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Faculty of Science |
Futher Education Centre |
Lifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age |
1516 |
Mineralogy [10408] | 10.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
First Faculty of Medicine |
Dean´s Office |
Lifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age |
2910 |
Biologie člověka [10439] | 30.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Faculty of Social Sciences |
Institute of Communication Studies and Journalism |
Lifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age |
10444 |
Mezi námi lidmi II [10444] | 17.11.2024 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Faculty of Education |
Katedra andragogiky a managementu vzdělávání |
Lifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age |
8064 |
---- [10390] | 06.01.2025 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Catholic Theological Faculty |
Dean's Office KTF |
Lifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age |
8392 |
Genealogie a heraldika: vybrané pomocné vědy historické a jejich aplikace [10717] | 22.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Faculty of Education |
Katedra výtvarné výchovy |
Lifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age |
10562 |
bude upřesněno [10562] | 30.06.2024 | admission procedure terminated |
| 2024/2025 |
Catholic Theological Faculty |
Dean's Office KTF |
Lifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age |
6227 |
Dějiny umění * [10718] | 22.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Protestant Theological Faculty |
Protestant theological faculty |
Lifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age |
11378 |
Introduction to the Protestant Theology III: Church History: Excursions through Prague of Reformation [11378] | 31.03.2025 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |
Institute of Theoretical Physics |
Lifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age |
6109 |
O fyzice pro nefyziky [10341] | 30.06.2024 | admission procedure terminated |
| 2024/2025 |
Faculty of Education |
Katedra hudební výchovy |
Lifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age |
10399 |
Czech Musical Geography in Praxis IX. [10399] | 30.08.2024 | admission procedure terminated |
| 2024/2025 |
Faculty of Science |
Futher Education Centre |
Lifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age |
1514 |
Geography and Demography [10405] | 10.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress |
| 2024/2025 |
Faculty of Social Sciences |
Institute of Economic Studies |
Lifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age |
9277 |
Váš kompas ve světě bank, financí, rizika a výnosu I [10437] | 06.09.2024 | admission procedure terminated |
| 2024/2025 |
Faculty of Education |
Katedra výtvarné výchovy |
Lifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age |
11241 |
bude upřesněno [11241] | 15.12.2024 | admission procedure in progress |