Year | Faculty | Part | Orientation | Code | Title | Application submission deadline | Programme status | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Law | International Office | Internationally Recognised Course | 11023 | Veřejné zakázky [11023] | 15.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Law | International Office | Internationally Recognised Course | 3237 | Law in Business from the European Perspective [10930] | 16.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Law | International Office | Internationally Recognised Course | 9941 | Právní ochrana dat [10929] | 15.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Law | International Office | Internationally Recognised Course | 4241 | Medical Law [10932] | 16.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Law | International Office | Internationally Recognised Course | 4240 | Sports Law [10931] | 16.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Law | International Office | Internationally Recognised Course | 3238 | International Human Rights Law and Protection of Environment [10933] | 16.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Law | International Office | Internationally Recognised Course | 10935 | Daňové právo [10935] | 16.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | First Faculty of Medicine | Dean´s Office | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 1057 | Přípravný kurz - typ A [9893] | 15.01.2025 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Social Sciences | neurčeno | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 9295 | Freemover [9907] | 30.09.2025 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies | Centre Podebrady | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 3789 | Preparatory Courses - Technics and IT in English [9793] | 31.07.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies | Centre Podebrady | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 3785 | Přípravný program ke studiu na vysoké škole pro technické a IT obory [9789] | 15.05.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies | Centre Prague (Vorsilska) | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 3835 | Semestrální kurz češtiny jako cizího jazyka [9800] | 31.08.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies | Centre Prague (Krystal) | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 9234 | Přípravný program ke studiu na vysoké škole pro humanitní obory [9795] | 31.07.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Arts | Language Centre - Latin | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 11160 | Latina. Četba Husovy Postillae adumbratae [11160] | 20.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen | Studijní oddělení | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | PRI_FYZ | Přípravný kurz pro uchazeče o studium Všeobecného a Zubního lékařství - fyzika [9946] | 14.04.2024 | admission procedure terminated | |
2024/2025 | Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies | Centre Prague (Krystal) | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 3801 | Přípravný program ke studiu na vysoké škole pro humanitní obory, umělecké obory a architekturu [9783] | 15.05.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies | Centre Podebrady | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 3795 | Přípravný program ke studiu na vysoké škole pro ekonomické obory [9788] | 15.05.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies | Centre Podebrady | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 3788 | Preparatory Courses - Economics in English [9792] | 31.07.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies | Centre Prague (Krystal) | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 4761 | Přípravný program ke studiu na vysoké škole pro medicínské, farmaceutické, veterinární a přírodovědné obory [9785] | 15.05.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies | Centre Podebrady | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 9223 | Přípravný program ke studiu na vysoké škole pro ekonomické obory [9797] | 31.07.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen | Studijní oddělení | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | PRI_PRE | Přípravný kurz pro uchazeče o studium Všeobecného a Zubního lékařství [9944] | 25.02.2024 | admission procedure terminated | |
2024/2025 | Catholic Theological Faculty | Dean's Office KTF | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 10676 | Teologie manželství a rodiny [10676] | 22.09.2024 | admission procedure terminated | |
2024/2025 | Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies | Centre Podebrady | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 3787 | Foundation Programme: Medicine and Pharmacy in English COMPLEX [9791] | 15.05.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies | Centre Prague (Krystal) | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 4230 | Přípravný program ke studiu na vysoké škole pro medicínské, farmaceutické, veterinární a přírodovědné obory [9784] | 15.05.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies | Centre Podebrady | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 3786 | Přípravný program ke studiu na vysoké škole pro technické a IT obory [9790] | 15.05.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies | Centre Prague (Krystal) | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 9233 | Přípravný program ke studiu na vysoké škole pro zdravotnické a přírodovědné obory [9794] | 31.07.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies | Centre Prague (Vorsilska) | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 3833 | Dvousemestrální kurz češtiny jako cizího jazyka [9798] | 31.03.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies | Centre Prague (Vorsilska) | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 3835 | Semestrální kurz češtiny jako cizího jazyka [9799] | 31.03.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies | Centre Prague (Krystal) | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 9589 | Preparatory Courses - Medicine in English [9786] | 31.07.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies | Centre Podebrady | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 9222 | Přípravný program ke studiu na vysoké škole pro technické a IT obory [9796] | 31.07.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen | Studijní oddělení | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | PRI_CHE | Přípravný kurz pro uchazeče o studium Všeobecného a Zubního lékařství - chemie [9947] | 25.02.2024 | admission procedure terminated | |
2024/2025 | Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies | Centre Prague (Krystal) | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 3800 | Přípravný program ke studiu na vysoké škole pro humanitní obory, umělecké obory a architekturu [9782] | 15.05.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies | Centre Podebrady | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 3794 | Přípravný program ke studiu na vysoké škole pro ekonomické obory [9787] | 15.05.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen | Studijní oddělení | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | PRI_BIO | Přípravný kurz pro uchazeče o studium Všeobecného a Zubního lékařství - biologie [9945] | 17.03.2024 | admission procedure terminated | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Education | Katedra rusistiky a lingvodidaktiky | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 5686 | aa [10196] | 01.03.2025 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | First Faculty of Medicine | Dean´s Office | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 3 | Přípravný kurz - typ B [9894] | 15.01.2025 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies | Centre Prague (Vorsilska) | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 9626 | Neintenzivní kurz češtiny jako cizího jazyka [10770] | 18.08.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Catholic Theological Faculty | Department of Ecclesiastical History and Literary History | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 11198 | Stavebně historický průzkum [11198] | 30.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Science | Futher Education Centre | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | D9196 | Work safety in a school laboratory [11292] | 01.12.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Catholic Theological Faculty | Department of Systematic and Pastoral Theology | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 2520 | Úvod do křesťanství 1 [11106] | 29.09.2024 | admission procedure terminated | |
2024/2025 | Catholic Theological Faculty | Department of Systematic and Pastoral Theology | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 6622 | Fundamentální teologie 2 [11107] | 29.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Catholic Theological Faculty | Institute of Christian Art History | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 1163 | Přehledné dějiny renesančního umění 1 [11126] | 29.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Catholic Theological Faculty | Institute of Christian Art History | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 6643 | Dějiny uměleckého řemesla 1 [11134] | 29.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Physical Education and Sport | Department of Athletics and Outdoor Sports | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 11156 | Rugby fundamentals for coaches and teachers [11156] | 10.10.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Arts | Language Centre - Latin | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 11165 | Latina. Kurz pro mírně pokročilé II [11165] | 20.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Catholic Theological Faculty | Department of Ecclesiastical History and Literary History | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 11197 | Auxiliary Sciences of History - Middle Ages 1 [11197] | 30.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Mathematics and Physics | Department of Physics Education | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 11200 | Thermals and molecular physics [11200] | 10.09.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Catholic Theological Faculty | Department of Biblical Sciences and ancient languages | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 7456 | Úvod do Písma svatého (sobota) [11206] | 21.10.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies | Centre Podebrady | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 3777 | Jednoletý pomaturitní přípravný kurz ke studiu na VŠ s rozšířenou výukou cizího jazyka [10598] | 25.08.2024 | admission procedure in progress | |
2024/2025 | Faculty of Humanities | Oddělení vnitřních vztahů | Lifelong learning programme - Interest-oriented | 4125 | CŽV 31 - Otevřená studia [10693] | 27.09.2024 | admission procedure terminated |