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Současná relevance díla Paula M. Sweezeho
Thesis title in Czech: Současná relevance díla Paula M. Sweezeho
Thesis title in English: The contemporary relevance of Paul M. Sweezy´s work
Key words: Paul M. Sweezy, Zalomená poptávková křivka, neomarxismus
English key words: Paul M. Sweezy, kinked demand curve, neomarxism
Academic year of topic announcement: 2010/2011
Thesis type: Bachelor's thesis
Thesis language: čeština
Department: Institute of Economic Studies (23-IES)
Supervisor: PhDr. Jaromír Baxa, Ph.D.
Author: hidden - assigned by the advisor
Date of registration: 06.11.2010
Date of assignment: 21.02.2011
Date and time of defence: 12.09.2011 08:00
Venue of defence: IES
Date of electronic submission:03.08.2011
Date of proceeded defence: 12.09.2011
Opponents: Ing. Aleš Maršál, Ph.D.
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SWEEZY , Paul M. Modern Capitalism and other essays. 1972, 1. číslo kapitoly. New York : Monthly Review Press, 1972. 184s. ISBN 85345-216-4 .

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SWEEZY, Paul M – MAGDOFF, Harry. Economic history as it happened Volume I: The dynamics of U.S. capitalism. New York : Monthly Review Press, 2009. 237s. ISBN 978-0-85345-225-6.

SWEEZY, Paul M. The present as history : Essays and reviews on Capitalism and Socialism. 2. New York : Monthly Review Press, 1962. 376s.

SWEEZY, Paul M. Four lectures on Marxism. 1. New York : Monthly Review Press, 1981. 97s. ISBN 0-84345-584-8.

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SWEEZY, Paul M – MAGDOFF, Harry. Revolution and counter-revolution in Chile. 1. New York : Monthly Review Press, 1974. 169. ISBN 0-85345-325-1.

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SWEEZY, Paul M – MAGDOFF, Harry. Economic history as it happened Volume II: The End of Prosperity. 2. New York : Monthly Review Press, 2009. 136s. ISBN 978-0-85345-422-9.

SWEEZY, Paul M – HUBERMAN. Introduction to Socialism. New York : Monthly Review Press, 2009. 127s. ISBN 978-0-85345-067-2.

SWEEZY, Paul M – MAGDOFF, Harry. Economic history as it happened Volume V: The irreversible crisis. New York : Monthly Review Press, 1988. 76s. ISBN 0-85345-776-X.
SWEEZY, Paul M – MAGDOFF, Harry. Economic history as it happened Volume IV: Stagnation and the Financial Explosion. 2. New York : Monthly Review Press, 2009. 208s. ISBN 978-0-85345-715-2.

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SWEEZY, Paul M. Demand Under Conditions of Oligopoly. The Journal of Political Economy. 1939. Volume 47. Číslo 4. 568-573

Interview with paul Sweezy. Monthly review [časopis]. 11.06.2010. Dostupné z www: <>.
Preliminary scope of work
Tato práce se zabývá životem, osobností a názory amerického neomarxistického ekonoma Paula M. Sweezeho. V první části práce se zabývám zalomenou poptávkovou křivkou, kterou poprvé formuloval právě Paul Sweezy. Dále se zabývám Sweezeho hodnocením socialismu a tím, jak se vyrovnal s vývojem v zemích socialistického tábora. Hlavní důraz je v práci kladen na Sweezeho výklad hospodářských krizí, které považuje za normální stav kapitalismu. Na konci práce se pokusím ukázat, že práce Sweezeho je z dnešního pohledu relevantní při vysvětlování vzniku některých problémů, kterými dnešní ekonomika prochází.
Preliminary scope of work in English
This work is engaging in personality and opinions of an American neomarxistic economist Paul M. Sweeze. In the first part of my work, I am writing about kinked demand curve, which was formulated for the first time by Paul Sweeze. Then I am dealing with Sweeze’s evaluation of Socialism and how he dealt with development of Socialism in socialistic countries. I put the main emphasis on interpretation of economic crisis, which he considers as a normal state of capitalism. In the end I’ll try to show, that Sweeze’s work is relevant, when explaining the origin of some problems of today’s economy.
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