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Port aplikace Sun Java Wireless Client na Linux pro platformy x86
Thesis title in Czech:
Thesis title in English: Port of Sun Java Wireless Client to Linux on x86 platforms
Academic year of topic announcement: 2008/2009
Thesis type: Bachelor's thesis
Thesis language: angličtina
Department: Network and Labs Management Center (32-SISAL)
Supervisor: Mgr. Jan Pechanec
Author: hidden - assigned by the advisor, waiting for guarantor's approval
Date of registration: 25.02.2009
Date of assignment: 25.02.2009
The goal of the thesis is to create a port of the Sun Java Wireless Client (SJWC) for Linux on x86 platforms. A student is expected to get familiar with the SJWC internals and how to write portable C code. The main part of the thesis is to write code for the Javacall API for Linux while focusing on writing portable code that might be later used on other UNIX and unix-like systems, and possibly enhancing the API if the situation so requires. The port is expected to have these APIs implemented: MIDP, JSR075, JSR135, JSR234.
Build Guide, Sun JavaTM Wireless Client Software 2.1, Java Platform, Micro Edition

Porting User's Guide, Sun JavaTM Wireless Client Software 2.1, Java Platform, Micro Edition

Tools Guide, Sun JavaTM Wireless Client Software, Version 2.1, Java Platform, Micro Edition

MIDP Optimized Implementation (Reference Documentation for Native Code), Sun Java Wireless Client, Version 2.1

W. Richard Stevens; Stephen A. Rago: Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment: Second Edition

Brian Hook: Write Portable Code: An Introduction to Developing Software for Multiple Platforms
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