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Možnosti určení hierarchie hmot neutrin
Thesis title in Czech: Možnosti určení hierarchie hmot neutrin
Thesis title in English: Possibilities to reveal neutrino mass hierarchy
Academic year of topic announcement: 2007/2008
Thesis type: Bachelor's thesis
Thesis language: angličtina
Department: Institute of Particle and Nuclear Physics (32-UCJF)
Supervisor: prof. RNDr. Rupert Leitner, DrSc.
Author: hidden - assigned and confirmed by the Study Dept.
Date of registration: 07.11.2007
Date of assignment: 07.11.2007
Date and time of defence: 16.09.2008 00:00
Date of electronic submission:16.09.2008
Date of proceeded defence: 16.09.2008
Opponents: Mgr. Viktor Pěč, Ph.D.
Seznámení se s problematikou oscilací neutrin.
Odvození formulí pro oscilace neutrin.
Zkoumání rozdílů pro různé možnosti hierarchie hmot neutrin.
[1] B. Kayser: Neutrino Mass, Mixing and Flavor Change in W.M.Yao et al., Journal of Physics G 33(2006)
[2] Daya Bay Collaboration (Xinheng Guo et al.): A Precision measurement of the neutrino mixing angle theta(13) using reactor antineutrinos at Daya Bay, BNL-77369-2006-IR, Jan 2007.
Preliminary scope of work
Neutrina s danou vůní jsou superpozicí tří vlastních stavů klidové hmoty. Rozdílné hmoty těchto stavů vedou k pozorovanému jevu oscilací neutrin. Cílem práce bude seznámit se s problematikou oscilací neutrin a určit zda a za jakých podmínek mohou oscilace neutrin určit pořadí hmot jednotlivých stavů (tyv. hierarchii).
Preliminary scope of work in English
Thee neutrino flavor eigenstates are superposition of three mass eigenstates. Difference of masses of later eigenstates could be observed in oscillation experiments. The aim of the present work is to derive neutrino oscillation formulae and to investigate their possible differences for different neutrino mass hierarchies.
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