Smoothed Particles Hydrodynamics pro interakci mezi tekutinou a pevnými tělesy
Thesis title in Czech: | Smoothed Particles Hydrodynamics pro interakci mezi tekutinou a pevnými tělesy |
Thesis title in English: | Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics for fluid-structure interactions |
Key words: | SPH|FSI|numerické simulace|mechanika tekutin |
English key words: | SPH|FSI|numerical simulations|fluid mechanics |
Academic year of topic announcement: | 2024/2025 |
Thesis type: | diploma thesis |
Thesis language: | |
Department: | Mathematical Institute of Charles University (32-MUUK) |
Supervisor: | doc. RNDr. Michal Pavelka, Ph.D. |
Author: | |
Advisors: | RNDr. Jaroslav Hron, Ph.D. |
Guidelines |
The thesis should consist of the following steps:
1) Review of the SPH method and simple numerical tests using SmoothedParticles.jl framework [2]. 2) Review of paper [1], where an SPH method for both fluids and solids was developed. 3) Review of fluid-structure interaction (FSI) problems in continuum mechanics, for instance the Turek-Hron benchmark. 4) An attempt to simulate an FSI problem using SPH. |
References |
[1] O. Kincl, I. Peshkov, M. Pavelka, V. Klika, Unified description of fluids and solids in Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics, Applied Mathematics and Computation 439(15), 1275792022, 2023.
[2] |
Preliminary scope of work in English |
Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) is a mesh-less numerical method that discretizes fluids and solids by seeing them as a collection of macroscopic quasi-particles. The quasi-particles then interact in such a way that they reconstruct behavior of continuous fluids and solids. The method is especially useful for problems with a free boundary, where other numerical methods based on meshes (finite elements and volumes) become complicated.
Recently, we have developed an SPH method suitable for both solids and fluids. A question remains open, however, whether the method could be useful in simulations of fluid-structure interactions. The goal of this thesis is to approach that questions. |