Body image, body percept, body scheme, somatoesthezie - literární rešerše s kazuistikou
Thesis title in Czech: | Body image, body percept, body scheme, somatoesthezie - literární rešerše s kazuistikou |
Thesis title in English: | Body image, body percept, body scheme, somatoesthezie - literature review with a case study |
Key words: | Body image, body percept, body scheme, somatoesthesie, vnímání vlastního těla, sebehodnocení, postoj k tělu, uvědomění si těla, tělesné ohraničení, tělesná zkušenost |
English key words: | Body image, body percht, body scheme, somatoesthesis, self concept, body consciousness, body experience, body boundary, body attitudes, self -esteem |
Academic year of topic announcement: | 2007/2008 |
Thesis type: | Bachelor's thesis |
Thesis language: | čeština |
Department: | Department of Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine (13-432) |
Supervisor: | Mgr. Magdaléna Lepšíková |
Author: | hidden - assigned and confirmed by the Study Dept. |
Date of registration: | 29.05.2008 |
Date of assignment: | 29.05.2008 |
Date and time of defence: | 27.05.2008 00:00 |
Date of electronic submission: | 27.04.2008 |
Date of submission of printed version: | 27.04.2008 |
Date of proceeded defence: | 27.05.2008 |
Opponents: | Mgr. Bc. Veronika Schönová |