Russian LGBTQ+ activism in times of war and repressions: the experience of activists in emigration
Thesis title in Czech: | LGBTQ+ aktivismus v Rusku v době války a útlaku: zkušenost emigrovavších aktivistů |
Thesis title in English: | Russian LGBTQ+ activism in times of war and repressions: the experience of activists in emigration |
Key words: | LGBTQ+ práva, emigrace, sociální hnutí, aktivismus, Rusko |
English key words: | LGBTQ+ rights, emigration, social movements, activism, Russia |
Academic year of topic announcement: | 2022/2023 |
Thesis type: | diploma thesis |
Thesis language: | angličtina |
Department: | Department of Russian and East European Studies (23-KRVS) |
Supervisor: | Dr. Dmitry Dubrovskiy |
Author: | hidden - assigned by the advisor |
Date of registration: | 02.10.2023 |
Date of assignment: | 02.10.2023 |
Date and time of defence: | 09.09.2024 09:00 |
Venue of defence: | Areál Jinonice, C423, 423, Jednací místnost IMS |
Date of electronic submission: | 28.07.2024 |
Date of proceeded defence: | 09.09.2024 |
Opponents: | Mgr. Karel Svoboda, Ph.D. |
References |
Ayoub, Phillip M., and Lauren Bauman. “Migration and Queer Mobilisations: How Migration Facilitates Cross-Border LGBTQ Activism.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, vol. 45, no. 15 (2018): 2758–2778.
Buyanteva, Radzhana. The Emergence and Development of LGBT Protest Activity in Russia. Cham: Springer, 2022. Buyantueva, Radzhana. “Resource Mobilisation and Russian LGBT Activism.” East European Politics 36, no. 3 (2020): 1–28. Della Porta. Donatella, and Hanspeter Kriesi. “Social Movements in a Globalizing World: An Introduction.” In Social Movements in a Globalizing World, edited by Victoria Johnson, Donatella della Porta, Hanspeter Kriesi, and Dieter Rucht, 3-22. New York: St Martin’s Press, 1999 Fomina, Joanna. “Voice, Exit and Voice Again: Democratic Remittances by Recent Russian Emigrants to the EU.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 47, no. 11 (2019), 1–20. Henry, Laura, and Elizabeth Plantan. “Activism in Exile: How Russian Environmentalists Maintain Voice after Exit.” Post-Soviet Affairs 38, no. 4 (2021): 274–92. Novitskaya, Alexandra. ““I Have Come to This Country to Be Happy”: Homonationalism as Infrastructure of Post-Soviet Queer Migration to the United States.” Sexuality & Culture, vol. 27 (2023): 2016-2037. Wilkinson, Cai. “LGBT Rights in the Former Soviet Union: The Evolution of Hypervisibility.” In The Oxford Handbook of Global LGBT and Sexual Diversity Politics, edited by M. J. Bosia, S. M. McEvoy, and M. Rahman, 233-248. Oxford University Press, 2020. |
Preliminary scope of work |
Cílem této disertační práce je prozkoumat změny, kterými ruský LGBTQ+ aktivismus prošel po zahájení rozsáhlé invaze na Ukrajinu a po schválení nové legislativy. Zaměří se zejména na zkušenosti LGBTQ+ aktivistů, kteří se rozhodli nebo byli nuceni emigrovat a pokračovat ve své činnosti ze zahraničí. Rozhovory s těmito aktivisty budou zdrojem nových dat, která budou v disertační práci analyzována. |
Preliminary scope of work in English |
This dissertation aims to explore some of the changes Russian LGBTQ+ activism underwent following the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine and the approval of new legislation. In particular, it will focus on the experience of LGBTQ+ activists who decided or were forced to emigrate and continue their activity from abroad. The interviews with the activists will be the source of new data that will be analyzed in the dissertation. |