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Karpatonemecká menšina 1953-1990: Premeny obrazov vlasti vo vyhnaneckom periodiku Karpatenpost
Thesis title in thesis language (Slovak): Karpatonemecká menšina 1953-1990: Premeny obrazov vlasti vo vyhnaneckom periodiku Karpatenpost
Thesis title in Czech: Karpatoněmecká menšina 1953-1990: Proměny obrazů vlasti ve vyhnaneckém periodiku Karpatenpost
Thesis title in English: Carpathian German Minority 1953-1990: Changes of Homeland Images in Expellee Journal Karpatenpost
Key words: Heimat, vlasť spomienky, stará vlasť, transformovaná vlasť, karpatský Nemec, Karpatenpost, analýza diskurzu
English key words: homeland, homeland of memory, old homeland, homeland transformed, Carpathian German, Karpatenpost, discourse analysis
Academic year of topic announcement: 2020/2021
Thesis type: diploma thesis
Thesis language: slovenština
Department: Department of German and Austrian Studies (23-KNRS)
Supervisor: PhDr. David Emler, Ph.D.
Author: hidden - assigned by the advisor
Date of registration: 23.07.2021
Date of assignment: 23.07.2021
Date and time of defence: 26.01.2024 13:00
Venue of defence: C321, 321, seminární místnost IMS
Date of electronic submission:04.01.2024
Date of proceeded defence: 26.01.2024
Opponents: prof. PhDr. Ota Konrád, Ph.D.
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Preliminary scope of work
Diplomová práca sa zaoberá jazykovými obrazmi domova, vlasti (Heimat) v periodiku Karpatenpost. Predmetom výskumu sú noviny odsunutých karpatských Nemcov Karpatenpost, ktoré začali byť publikované v Spolkovej republike na začiatku 50. rokov pod záštitou Karpatonemeckého krajanského spolku. Toto periodikum sa zaoberalo problematikou domoviny a intenzívne pojednávalo o stave karpatonemeckej menšiny. Obsiahnuté sú spomienky zo starej vlasti a informácie o stave karpatonemeckej menšiny v Spolkovej republike. Preto je možné považovať Karpatenpost za autentický prameň odsunutej slovenskej nemecky hovoriacej menšiny. Ako metóda bola zvolená analýza diskurzu, z ktorej vyplýva, že vo vysídleneckom periodiku Karpatenpost dochádza k sématickým posunom konceptu Heimat. Strata teritoriálnej starej vlasti prinútila vyhnacov uchýliť sa do vlasti spomienky. Ich predstavy o starej vlasti sú často idylické a exaltované. Avšak konfrontácia s transformáciou známych priestorov počas ciest vysídlencov podmienila re-definíciu pojmu.
Preliminary scope of work in English
The master's thesis deals with the linguistic images of homeland (Heimat) in the expellee journal Karpatenpost. The research subject is the newspaper of the displaced Carpathian Germans, Karpatenpost, which began to be published in the Federal Republic in the early 1950s under the auspices of the Carpathian German Expellee Association. This periodical dealt with issues of homeland and intensively discussed the state of the Carpathian German minority. It contains memories from the old homeland and information about the state of the Carpathian German minority in the Federal Republic. Therefore, Karpatenpost can be considered an authentic source of the displaced Slovak German-speaking minority. Discourse analysis was chosen as the method, which shows that in the expellee journal Karpatenpost, there are semantic shifts in the concept of Heimat. The loss of the territorial old homeland forced the expellees to retreat into the homeland of memory. Their ideas about the old homeland are often idyllic and exalted. However, the confrontation with transforming familiar spaces during the expellees' journeys conditioned a re-definition of the concept.
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