Comparing Effect of Static, Dynamic, and Combined Stretching Exercises for Semi-Professional College Football Players on Sprint Performance
Thesis title in Czech: | Porovnání vlivu statických, dynamických a kombinovaných protahovacích cvičení pro poloprofesionální vysokoškolské fotbalisty na výkon ve sprintu |
Thesis title in English: | Comparing Effect of Static, Dynamic, and Combined Stretching Exercises for Semi-Professional College Football Players on Sprint Performance |
Key words: | Static Stretching. Dynamic Stretching, Compensation Stretching, Bulgarian Split Squat Exercise, Sprint Performance, Physiological Factors. Brower Wireless Timer System |
English key words: | Static Stretching. Dynamic Stretching, Compensation Stretching, Bulgarian Split Squat Exercise, Sprint Performance, Physiological Factors. Brower Wireless Timer System |
Academic year of topic announcement: | 2020/2021 |
Thesis type: | diploma thesis |
Thesis language: | angličtina |
Department: | Biomedicínská laboratoř (51-500500) |
Supervisor: | prof. MUDr. Jan Heller, CSc. |
Author: | hidden![]() |
Date of registration: | 11.02.2021 |
Date of assignment: | 11.02.2021 |
Date and time of defence: | 24.01.2023 14:00 |
Venue of defence: | FTVS UK, José Martího 269/31, Praha 6, UC1-1, C102, Seminární místnost katedry fyzioterapie |
Date of electronic submission: | 18.12.2022 |
Date of submission of printed version: | 19.12.2022 |
Date of proceeded defence: | 24.01.2023 |
Opponents: | doc. PaedDr. Dagmar Pavlů, CSc. |
Advisors: | doc. PaedDr. Tomáš Malý, Ph.D. |
Guidelines |
The aim of our experimental study to combine one resistance-training exercise (Bulgarian Split Squat Exercise) with three types of stretching exercises (static, dynamic, and combination stretching exercises) to find which protocol has positive effective in improving the short-sprint time performance in 20 meters for semi-professional college football players in five sessions in acute term- phase (10days).
The study question Which stretching exercises techniques (static, dynamic, and combination) combined resistance training exercise (Bulgarian Split Squat) can improve the sprint performance of semi-professional football players in five sessions in a short-term phase (10 days)? |
References |
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Preliminary scope of work |
The aim of our experimental study to combine one resistance-training exercise (Bulgarian Split Squat Exercise) with three types of stretching exercises (static, dynamic, and combination stretching exercises) to find which protocol has positive effective in improving the short-sprint time performance in 20 meters for semi-professional college football players in five sessions in acute term- phase (10days).
The study question Which stretching exercises techniques (static, dynamic, and combination) combined resistance training exercise (Bulgarian Split Squat) can improve the sprint performance of semi-professional football players in five sessions in a short-term phase (10 days)? |
Preliminary scope of work in English |
The aim of our experimental study to combine one resistance-training exercise (Bulgarian Split Squat Exercise) with three types of stretching exercises (static, dynamic, and combination stretching exercises) to find which protocol has positive effective in improving the short-sprint time performance in 20 meters for semi-professional college football players in five sessions in acute term- phase (10days).
The study question Which stretching exercises techniques (static, dynamic, and combination) combined resistance training exercise (Bulgarian Split Squat) can improve the sprint performance of semi-professional football players in five sessions in a short-term phase (10 days)? |