Thesis (Selection of subject)Thesis (Selection of subject)(version: 381)
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Mycobacteria- and bladder cancer-specific innate and adaptive immune response
Thesis title in Czech: Přirozená a adaptivní imunitní odpověď proti mykobakteriím a nádoru močového měchýře
Thesis title in English: Mycobacteria- and bladder cancer-specific innate and adaptive immune response
Key words: mycobacterie, tuberkulóza, BCG, vakcína, imunitní odpověď, imunitní buňky, průtoková cytometrie, antigenní mimikry, infekce, nádor, karcinom močového měchýře
English key words: mycobacteria, tuberculosis, BCG, vaccine, immune response, immune cells, flow cytometry, antigenic mimicry, infection, tumor, bladder cancer
Academic year of topic announcement: 2019/2020
Thesis type: dissertation
Thesis language: angličtina
Department: Department of Cell Biology (31-151)
Supervisor: RNDr. Karel Drbal, Ph.D.
Author: hidden - assigned by the advisor
Date of registration: 05.10.2019
Date of assignment: 07.10.2019
Advisors: prof. MUDr. Martina Koziar Vašáková, Ph.D.
Course of work with molecular data in R MB120C16
R for life MB120P147E
Biomedical research MB151P81
Methods of functional genomics MB140P86
Pokroky v molekulární biologii MPGS0034
Analytical methods in cancer and population genomics and transcriptomics MB151P113E
Applied inflammation Biology MB151P82
Biological imaging and image analysis MB151P114E
Advances in immunology MB150P78E
Epigenetics MB150P85
Preliminary scope of work
LTBI vs. active TB form
BCG/M.bovis vs. M.tuberculosis (vs. M.marinum)
T cell vs. innate early response - modes of detection
dynamics of response during BCG vaccine instillation
BCG vs. bladder cancer mimicry - computational and experimental part
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