Analýza svalové činnosti při hře na violoncello
Thesis title in Czech: | Analýza svalové činnosti při hře na violoncello |
Thesis title in English: | Muscle activity analysis during the violoncello play |
Key words: | hra na violoncello, hudebníci, povrchová elektromyografie, 3D kinematická analýza, onemocnění violoncellistů, overuse syndrom |
English key words: | violoncello playing, musicians, surface electromyography, 3d kinematic analysis, violoncellists’ diseases, overuse syndrome |
Academic year of topic announcement: | 2016/2017 |
Thesis type: | diploma thesis |
Thesis language: | čeština |
Department: | Anatomie a biomechanika (51-500100) |
Supervisor: | Ing. Miloslav Vilímek, Ph.D. |
Author: | hidden![]() |
Date of registration: | 24.02.2017 |
Date of assignment: | 24.02.2017 |
Date and time of defence: | 28.05.2018 08:00 |
Venue of defence: | FTVS UK, José Martího 269/31, Praha 6, UC1-1, C102, Seminární místnost katedry fyzioterapie |
Date of electronic submission: | 04.04.2018 |
Date of submission of printed version: | 04.04.2018 |
Date of proceeded defence: | 28.05.2018 |
Opponents: | PhDr. Eva Tlapáková, CSc. |
References |
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