Kultúrne cetrum Tabačka Kulturfabrik v kontexte európskej kultúrnej politiky
Thesis title in thesis language (Slovak): | Kultúrne cetrum Tabačka Kulturfabrik v kontexte európskej kultúrnej politiky |
Thesis title in Czech: | Kulturní centrum Tabačka Kulturfabrik v kontextu evropské kulturní politiky |
Thesis title in English: | The Tabačka Kulturfabrik – A Cultural Centre in the Context of European Cultural Policy |
Key words: | kulturní centra, evropská kulturní politika, současné umění |
English key words: | cultural centres, european cultural politics, contemporary art |
Academic year of topic announcement: | 2011/2012 |
Thesis type: | Bachelor's thesis |
Thesis language: | slovenština |
Department: | Programme SHV - Creative Module (24-CR) |
Supervisor: | Bc. Karina Kottová, M.A. |
Author: | hidden![]() |
Date of registration: | 09.03.2012 |
Date of assignment: | 09.03.2012 |
Date of electronic submission: | 28.06.2013 |
Date of proceeded defence: | 16.09.2013 |
Course: | Thesis Defence (YAK47005) |
Opponents: | Mgr. Petr Gibas, Ph.D. |
Preliminary scope of work |
Tabačka Kulturfabrik je nezávislé kultúrne centrum v meste Košice. Počas svojho fungovania sa stala
dôležitým kultúrnym bodom mesta, ktoré je pre rok 2013 vyhlásené za európske hlavné mesto kultúry. Tabačka Kulturfabrik je zároveň členom najväčšej siete nezávislých kultúrnych centier Trans Europe Halles. Cieľom bakalárskej práce je zaradiť toto centrum do kontextu európskej kutúrnej politiky a jej cieľov. |
Preliminary scope of work in English |
Tabačka Kulturfabrik is independent cultural centre in Košice, Slovakia. During its existence,
Tabačka became one of the most important cultural crossroad of the city, which has been chosen as European capital of culture for 2013. Tabačka Kulturfabrik is also part of the European network of independent cultural cetres Tran Europe Halles. Main objective of my bachelors essay is to find out its position in the context of European cultural policy and find out if and how is this cultural centre achieving main goals of this policy. |