Vybrané oblasti sociokulturních změn: Etiopie od začátku 20. století
Thesis title in Czech: | Vybrané oblasti sociokulturních změn: Etiopie od začátku 20. století |
Thesis title in English: | Selected areas of socio-cultural changes: Ethiopia since the early 20th century |
Key words: | sociokulturní změna, vzdělání, náboženství, Etiopie |
English key words: | sociocultural change, education, religion, Ethiopia |
Academic year of topic announcement: | 2011/2012 |
Thesis type: | Bachelor's thesis |
Thesis language: | čeština |
Department: | Institute of Ethnology (21-UETN) |
Supervisor: | PhDr. Alemayehu Kumsa, Ph.D. |
Author: | hidden - assigned and confirmed by the Study Dept. |
Date of registration: | 23.05.2011 |
Date of assignment: | 01.11.2011 |
Administrator's approval: | not processed yet |
Confirmed by Study dept. on: | 30.11.2011 |
Date and time of defence: | 18.06.2012 00:00 |
Date of electronic submission: | 13.06.2012 |
Date of proceeded defence: | 18.06.2012 |
Submitted/finalized: | committed by worker on behalf on and finalized |
Opponents: | doc. PhDr. Martin Soukup, Ph.D. |
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