Thesis (Selection of subject)Thesis (Selection of subject)(version: 368)
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detail Computational modeling of complexes consisting of modified nucleic acids and proteins 2017/2018 dissertation 4F4 RNDr. Ivan Barvík, Ph.D.   10.04.2015 Ne Fyzikální ústav UK (32-FUUK) MFF
detail Study of physical properties of magnetic shape memory alloys 2017/2018 dissertation 4F6 RNDr. Martin Veis, Ph.D. hidden 25.04.2017 20.09.2017 Fyzikální ústav UK (32-FUUK) MFF
detail Computational Modeling of Membrane Proteins 2017/2018 dissertation 4F4 RNDr. Ivan Barvík, Ph.D.   10.04.2015 Ne Fyzikální ústav UK (32-FUUK) MFF
detail The role of protein friction in the adaptive regulation of microtubule depolymerization 2017/2018 dissertation 4F4 RNDr. Zdeněk Lánský, Ph.D. hidden 29.03.2017 20.09.2017 Fyzikální ústav UK (32-FUUK) MFF
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