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VaR a jiné míry rizika
Thesis title in Czech: VaR a jiné míry rizika
Thesis title in English: VaR and some other risk measures
Academic year of topic announcement: 2006/2007
Thesis type: Bachelor's thesis
Thesis language: čeština
Department: Department of Probability and Mathematical Statistics (32-KPMS)
Supervisor: RNDr. Jana Čerbáková, Ph.D.
Author: hidden - assigned and confirmed by the Study Dept.
Date of registration: 18.10.2006
Date of assignment: 18.10.2006
Date and time of defence: 11.09.2007 00:00
Date of electronic submission:11.09.2007
Date of proceeded defence: 11.09.2007
Opponents: doc. RNDr. Ing. Miloš Kopa, Ph.D.
Student detailně popíše vlastnosti, výhody a nevýhody použití rizikové míry Value-at-Risk (VaR). Ukáže, že VaR je koherentní mírou rizika jen pro speciální rozdělení. Nastíní souvislost VaR s mírou Conditional Value-at-Risk (CVaR), popř. zmíní další alternativy měření rizika.Vyřeší menší úlohu optimalizace portfolia s použitím VaR nebo CVaR.
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[2] A. A. Gaivoronski, G. Pflug: Value-at-Risk in Portfolio Optimization: Properties and Computational Approach. Journal of Risk 7 (2), Winter 2004/05, 2005, 1-31.
[3] H. Mauser, D. Rosen: Scenario-based risk management tools. Ch. 27 in: Applications of Stochastic Programming, S. W. Wallace, W. T. Ziemba, (eds.) MPS-SIAM Series on Optimization, 2005, pp. 545-574.
[4] Pflug, G. Ch.: Some remarks on the Value-at-Risk and the Conditional Value-at-Risk. in: S. Uryasev (ed.), Probabilistic Constrained Optimization, Methodology and Applications, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Dordrecht, 2001, pp. 272-281.

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