Thesis (Selection of subject)Thesis (Selection of subject)(version: 368)
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Study of plasma in tokamak-type devices with spectroscopic methods
Thesis title in Czech: Studium plazmatu v zařízeních typu tokamak spektroskopickými metodami
Thesis title in English: Study of plasma in tokamak-type devices with spectroscopic methods
Key words: COMPASS, spektroskopie, kalibrace, Zeff, NBI
English key words: COMPASS, spectroscopy, calibration, Zeff, NBI
Academic year of topic announcement: 2006/2007
Thesis type: dissertation
Thesis language: angličtina
Department: Ústav fyziky plazmatu AV ČR, v.v.i. (32-UFPAV)
Supervisor: RNDr. Jan Stöckel, M.Sc., CSc.
Author: hidden - assigned and confirmed by the Study Dept.
Date of registration: 12.12.2006
Date of assignment: 12.12.2006
Date and time of defence: 08.12.2017 09:00
Date of electronic submission:06.10.2017
Date of submission of printed version:06.10.2017
Date of proceeded defence: 08.12.2017
Opponents: doc. RNDr. Radek Plašil, Ph.D.
  Ing. Vojtěch Svoboda, CSc.
Advisors: prof. RNDr. Milan Tichý, DrSc.
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