Thesis (Selection of subject)Thesis (Selection of subject)(version: 372)
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Frustrated sensibilities in the context of the conventions of the New York elite of Wharton's fiction
Thesis title in Czech: Zmařené projevy ženskosti a osobní integrity jako následek společenských konvencí newyorské elity v literárním díle Edith Wharton
Thesis title in English: Frustrated sensibilities in the context of the conventions of the New York elite of Wharton's fiction
Academic year of topic announcement: 2005/2006
Thesis type: Bachelor's thesis
Thesis language: angličtina
Department: Ústav anglistiky a amerikanistiky (21-UAA)
Supervisor: doc. Erik Sherman Roraback, D.Phil.
Author: hidden - assigned and confirmed by the Study Dept.
Date of registration: 20.11.2006
Date of assignment: 20.11.2006
Administrator's approval: not processed yet
Date and time of defence: 19.09.2006 00:00
Date of electronic submission:19.09.2006
Date of proceeded defence: 19.09.2006
Submitted/finalized: finalized
Opponents: doc. Justin Quinn, Ph.D.
Preliminary scope of work

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