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Změny financování Centra pro integraci cizinců o. p. s. v kontextu uprchlické krize 2022
Thesis title in Czech: Změny financování Centra pro integraci cizinců o. p. s. v kontextu uprchlické krize 2022
Thesis title in English: Changes in the funding of the Centre for Integration of Foreigners o. p. s. in context of the refugee crisis 2022
Key words: nestátní nezisková organizace, mezisektorová spolupráce, uprchlická krize, organizační změny, financování, teorie závislosti na zdrojích, koncentrace zdrojů
English key words: non-governmental non-profit organization, intersector cooperation, refugee crisis, organizational changes, funding, Resource Dependence Theory, Resource Based Perspective
Academic year of topic announcement: 2021/2022
Thesis type: diploma thesis
Thesis language: čeština
Department: Programme Civil Society Studies (24-KSOS)
Supervisor: Mgr. Magdaléna Šťovíčková Jantulová
Author: hidden - assigned by the advisor
Date of registration: 20.09.2022
Date of assignment: 20.09.2022
Date of electronic submission:04.01.2024
Date of proceeded defence: 31.01.2024
Course: Thesis Defence (YMNOBH3)
Opponents: Mgr. Dana Moree, Dr.
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