Thesis (Selection of subject)Thesis (Selection of subject)(version: 368)
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Porovnání efektivity bruslení rozvíjené drillovou a herní formou u věkové kategorie U - 10
Thesis title in Czech: Porovnání efektivity bruslení rozvíjené drillovou a herní formou u věkové kategorie U - 10
Thesis title in English: The comparison of ice skating efficiency developed by drill vs. gaming form in the U - 10 category
Key words: Lední hokej, bruslení, drillová forma, herní forma, věková kategorie U - 10
English key words: Ice hockey, skating, drill form, game form, age category U10
Academic year of topic announcement: 2016/2017
Thesis type: diploma thesis
Thesis language: čeština
Department: Sportovní hry (51-600300)
Supervisor: doc. PhDr. Petr Šťastný, Ph.D.
Author: hidden - assigned by the advisor
Date of registration: 15.09.2017
Date of assignment: 15.09.2017
Date and time of defence: 01.09.2020 13:00
Venue of defence: FTVS UK, José Martího 269/31, Praha 6, UC2-2, C218, Seminární místnost katedry sportovních her
Date of electronic submission:16.07.2020
Date of submission of printed version:16.07.2020
Date of proceeded defence: 01.09.2020
Opponents: Mgr. Jan Kregl
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