Thesis (Selection of subject)Thesis (Selection of subject)(version: 368)
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What type of First Lady Was Michelle Obama: Case Study on Michelle Obama as First Lady
Thesis title in Czech: Michelle Obamová jako první dáma: Případová studie
Thesis title in English: What type of First Lady Was Michelle Obama: Case Study on Michelle Obama as First Lady
Key words: Michelle Obama, Laura Bushová, první dáma, iniciativy, Reach Higher, Let Girls Learn, Joining Forces, Let’s Moce, známé osobnosti, sportovci, korporace, vliv, role
English key words: Michelle Obama, Laura Bush, First Lady, initiatives, Reach Higher, Let Girls Learn, Joining Forces, Let’s Move, celebrities, athletes, corporations, influence, role
Academic year of topic announcement: 2016/2017
Thesis type: diploma thesis
Thesis language: angličtina
Department: Department of North American Studies (23-KAS)
Supervisor: Mgr. Jana Sehnálková, Ph.D.
Author: hidden - assigned by the advisor
Date of registration: 06.09.2017
Date of assignment: 24.04.2018
Date and time of defence: 18.09.2019 09:00
Venue of defence: Jinonice - U Kříže 8, Praha 5, J2080, Jinonice - místn. č. 2080
Date of electronic submission:31.07.2019
Date of proceeded defence: 18.09.2019
Opponents: Dr. phil. Lucie Kýrová, M.A.
URKUND check:

Cooper, Brittney (2010). A'n't I a Lady?: Race Women, Michelle Obama, and the Ever-Expanding Democratic Imagination. MELUS, 35(4), pp. 39-57. Retrieved from

Hummer, Jill (2017). Conclusion. In First Ladies and American Women: In Politics and at Home (pp. 220-224). University Press of Kansas. Retrieved from (Accessed: 29 July 2019).

Meyers, Marian – Goman, Carmen (2017). Michelle Obama: Exploring the Narrative. Howard Journal of Communications. 28, 1, Jan. 2017, pp. 20-35.

Slevin, Peter (2015). Michelle Obama: A Life. 1st ed.. New York: Vintage Books, A Division of Penguin Random House.

Watson, Robert P. (2001). The “White Glove Pulpit”: A History of Policy Influence by First Ladies, OAH Magazine of History, Volume 15, Issue 3, Spring 2001, pp. 9–14.

Watson, Robert P. (2002). First Ladies of the United States: A Biographical Dictionary. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers. Available at:,shib&db=nlebk&AN=1053847&lang=cs&site=eds-live&scope=site (Accessed: 29 July 2019).
Preliminary scope of work
Cílem této práce je představit Michelle Obamovou jako aktivní první dámu, s mnoha jejími iniciativami a dopady jak na domácí, tak na mezinárodní scéne. Výzkumná otázka se táže: Jakou roli hrála Michelle Obamová jako první dáma? Jak ji viděla média? Jak se vývijele její agenda?
Preliminary scope of work in English
The goal of this master thesis is to introduce Michelle Obama as a definition of a very active first lady and her many initiatives and impacts that were not only domestic but also international. Research questions of the thesis connected with title are: What role did Michelle Obama had as first lady?, How was she perceived by the media? and What was her agenda through her time in the office of the First Lady?
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