Thesis (Selection of subject)Thesis (Selection of subject)(version: 368)
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Chromospheric waves and their contribution to heating of the atmosphere
Thesis title in Czech: Chromosférické vlny a jejich příspěvek k ohřevu atmosféry
Thesis title in English: Chromospheric waves and their contribution to heating of the atmosphere
Key words: slunecní chromosféra – oscilace – prenos zárení
English key words: chromosphere – oscillations – radiative transfer
Academic year of topic announcement: 2016/2017
Thesis type: dissertation
Thesis language: angličtina
Department: Astronomical Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (32-AUAV)
Supervisor: Michal Sobotka
Author: hidden - assigned and confirmed by the Study Dept.
Date of registration: 20.09.2017
Date of assignment: 20.09.2017
Confirmed by Study dept. on: 03.10.2017
Date and time of defence: 31.03.2022 10:00
Date of electronic submission:18.01.2022
Date of submission of printed version:18.01.2022
Date of proceeded defence: 31.03.2022
Opponents: doc. RNDr. Petr Jelínek, Ph.D.
  Marco Stangalini
Advisors: prof. RNDr. Petr Heinzel, DrSc.
The aim of the project is to obtain an empirical description of plasma behaviour in solar magnetic fields. The student will mainly deal with

- the measurement of the magnetic and velocity fields on the Sun
- construction of the 3D picture of magnetic configuration and flow in the solar atmosphere in active regions
- evolution of morphologic properties of magnetic regions

M. Stix: The Sun -- An introduction (2nd edition), 2002, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

Review papers:

Khomenko, E. & Collados, M. Living Rev. Sol. Phys. (2015) 12: 6. doi:10.1007/lrsp-2015-6
van Driel-Gesztelyi, L. & Green, L.M. Living Rev. Sol. Phys. (2015) 12: 1. doi:10.1007/lrsp-2015-1
Borrero, J.M. & Ichimoto, K. Living Rev. Sol. Phys. (2011) 8: 4. doi:10.12942/lrsp-2011-4
Fan, Y. Living Rev. Sol. Phys. (2009) 6: 4. doi:10.12942/lrsp-2009-4
Cheung, M.C.M. & Isobe, H. Living Rev. Sol. Phys. (2014) 11: 3. doi:10.12942/lrsp-2014-3

Research papers according to the recommendation of the supervisor.
Preliminary scope of work in English
The Sun is a prototype star, which is also active. The solar activity is inherently connected to the creation, evolution, and destruction of magnetic fields in the convection zone of the Sun and in the solar atmosphere. The activity phenomena concentrate spatially in active regions -- complexes of activity with sunspots, prominences and occurrence of flares. The evolution of active regions is not completely understood, despite a long-time effort. The project aims to study some of the aspects of the enigmatic evolution of active regions throughout solar atmosphere by means of analysis and interpretation of solar observations.
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