Thesis (Selection of subject)Thesis (Selection of subject)(version: 368)
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Ochrana lekára vs. ochrana pacienta
Thesis title in thesis language (Slovak): Ochrana lekára vs. ochrana pacienta
Thesis title in Czech: Ochrana lékaře vs. ochrana pacienta
Thesis title in English: Doctor protection vs. pacient protection
Key words: zásada lege artis, informovaný súhlas, povinná mlčanlivosť, zdravotná dokumentácia, ochrana lekára, ochrana pacienta, medicínske právo
English key words: principle of lege artis, informed consent, obligation to secrecy, health documentation, doctor protection, patient protection, medical law
Academic year of topic announcement: 2016/2017
Thesis type: diploma thesis
Thesis language: slovenština
Department: Department of Civil Law (22-KOP)
Supervisor: prof. JUDr. Josef Salač, Ph.D.
Author: hidden - assigned and confirmed by the Study Dept.
Date of registration: 20.01.2017
Date of assignment: 20.01.2017
Confirmed by Study dept. on: 29.01.2019
Date and time of defence: 28.01.2019 12:30
Venue of defence: míst. 131 - část I. a II. státních závěrečných zkoušek se konají bezprostředně po sobě v týž den
Date of electronic submission:17.11.2018
Date of proceeded defence: 28.01.2019
Opponents: doc. JUDr. Petr Šustek, Ph.D.
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