Thesis (Selection of subject)Thesis (Selection of subject)(version: 372)
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Zhodnocení nejčastějších úrazů u házenkářek MOL ligy a 2. ligy žen v České republice
Thesis title in Czech: Zhodnocení nejčastějších úrazů u házenkářek MOL ligy a 2. ligy žen v České republice
Thesis title in English: Evaluation of the most frequent injuries in competition of league MOL and the 2nd league in women handball in Czech republic
Key words: házená, regenerace a kompenzace ve sportu, úrazy ve sportu, úrazy v házené, prevence, fyzioterapie ve sportu
English key words: handball, regeneration and compensation in sports, sports injury, physiotherapy in sports, prevention in sport
Academic year of topic announcement: 2016/2017
Thesis type: diploma thesis
Thesis language: čeština
Department: Fyzioterapie (51-500400)
Supervisor: doc. PaedDr. Dagmar Pavlů, CSc.
Author: hidden - assigned by the advisor
Date of registration: 15.12.2016
Date of assignment: 15.12.2016
Date and time of defence: 28.05.2018 08:00
Venue of defence: FTVS UK, José Martího 269/31, Praha 6, UC1-1, C102, Seminární místnost katedry fyzioterapie
Date of electronic submission:04.04.2018
Date of submission of printed version:05.04.2018
Date of proceeded defence: 28.05.2018
Opponents: Mgr. Irena Novotná
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