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Genre-Conditioned Variation of Cohesive Devices in Japanese
Thesis title in Czech: Žánrově podmíněné variace kohezních prostředků v japonštině
Thesis title in English: Genre-Conditioned Variation of Cohesive Devices in Japanese
Key words: Kohézia|kohézne prostriedky|veta|referencia|substitúcia|elipsa|spojka|lexikálna kohézia
English key words: cohesion|cohesive devices|sentence|reference|substitution|ellipsis|conjunction|lexical cohesion
Academic year of topic announcement: 2014/2015
Thesis type: diploma thesis
Thesis language: angličtina
Department: Department of Sinology (21-KSI)
Supervisor: Mgr. Petra Kanasugi, Ph.D.
Author: hidden - assigned and confirmed by the Study Dept.
Date of registration: 19.06.2015
Date of assignment: 19.06.2015
Administrator's approval: not processed yet
Confirmed by Study dept. on: 29.06.2015
Date and time of defence: 13.09.2017 08:00
Date of electronic submission:26.06.2017
Date of proceeded defence: 13.09.2017
Submitted/finalized: committed by student and finalized
Opponents: Mgr. Martin Tirala, Ph.D.
The aim of the present study is to investigate the available means of creating cohesion and their use in Japanese texts and to define the specific tendencies in the use of cohesive devices in certain types of texts (genres). The validity of the underlying assumption that the use of cohesive devices (and possibly even the level of coherence itself) differs according to the type of text will be tested via analysis of different kinds of texts (fiction, essay, literary review) written by the same author. The range of cohesive devices (type level) and their actual use (token level) in each type of text will be analysed and the results of the individual analyses will be compared. Based on the generated results, the main genre-conditioned differences in creating cohesion will be defined.
In the opening- theoretical part of the study, the means of creating cohesion available in Japanese will be described. This part of the study will draw mainly from publications written by Japanese authors (e.g. Isao (2007), Katori (2006), Murata (2001), etc.) but also non-Japanese sources related to the topic will be considered and included (e.g. Halliday and Hasan (1976), Hinds (1990), etc.).
The empirical part of the study will analyse three kinds of text (written by the same author) from the point of view of text coherence and will compare the means used for creating coherence (and possibly also its level) and frequency of their use in the respective types of texts.
Finally, the main similarities and differences between the analysed kinds of texts will be defined and summarised. The resulting conclusions should be applicable, for example, during translations since they could enable the translator to choose the most appropriate and natural cohesive devices according to the type of translated text.
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