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The role of deformation partitioning on the tectonic evolution of the superstructure-infrastructure transition in the Teplá-Barrandian domain
Thesis title in Czech: Role deformačního členění na tektonický vývoj rozhraní suprastruktury a infrastruktury v tepelsko-barrandienské oblasti
Thesis title in English: The role of deformation partitioning on the tectonic evolution of the superstructure-infrastructure transition in the Teplá-Barrandian domain
Key words: suprastruktura; infrastruktura; tepelské krystalinikum; Tepelská střižná zóna; modelování staveb; P-T modelování; geochronologie
English key words: superstructure; infrastructure; Teplá shear zone; fabric modelling; P-T modelling; geochronology
Academic year of topic announcement: 2012/2013
Thesis type: dissertation
Thesis language: angličtina
Department: Institute of Petrology and Structural Geology (31-440)
Supervisor: doc. Mgr. Ondrej Lexa, Ph.D.
Author: hidden - assigned by the advisor
Date of registration: 17.10.2012
Date of assignment: 17.10.2012
Date and time of defence: 06.06.2019 09:30
Date of electronic submission:04.04.2019
Date of proceeded defence: 06.06.2019
Opponents: Mgr. Jiří Konopásek, Ph.D.
  prof. Bernhard Grasemann
Advisors: Mgr. Martin Racek, Ph.D.
doc. RNDr. Petr Jeřábek, Ph.D.
Preliminary scope of work
The concept of the superstructure and infrastructure definition is based on the differences in structural style and metamorphism between the upper, weakly metamorphosed and lower, mostly migmatitic crustal levels in orogenic core zones. According to these classic tectonic models, the orogenic infrastructure exhibits gently inclined and highly transposed fabrics while the orogenic superstructure shows upright folds and mostly vertical fabrics. The infrastructure – superstructure transition zone (ISTRA) has never been precisely defined and not specifically studied in orogens so far. Teplá crystalline complex is one of the few locations where the fossil ISTRA of Variscan orogenic crust could be studied. As the process of the transposition of steep fabrics to shallow dipping ones has polyphase character and the two orogenic events have been recognized in the area (Cadomian and Variscan), interpretation of structural and metamorphic evolution has been a matter of controversy for last decades. The aim of project to summarize existing and newly obtained field-structural, microstructural and petrological data, critically question the commonly accepted theory of “brittle-ductile transition” and formulate more general criteria to understand mechanical decoupling of orogenic crust.
Preliminary scope of work in English
The concept of the superstructure and infrastructure definition is based on the differences in structural style and metamorphism between the upper, weakly metamorphosed and lower, mostly migmatitic crustal levels in orogenic core zones. According to these classic tectonic models, the orogenic infrastructure exhibits gently inclined and highly transposed fabrics while the orogenic superstructure shows upright folds and mostly vertical fabrics. The infrastructure – superstructure transition zone (ISTRA) has never been precisely defined and not specifically studied in orogens so far. Teplá crystalline complex is one of the few locations where the fossil ISTRA of Variscan orogenic crust could be studied. As the process of the transposition of steep fabrics to shallow dipping ones has polyphase character and the two orogenic events have been recognized in the area (Cadomian and Variscan), interpretation of structural and metamorphic evolution has been a matter of controversy for last decades. The aim of project to summarize existing and newly obtained field-structural, microstructural and petrological data, critically question the commonly accepted theory of “brittle-ductile transition” and formulate more general criteria to understand mechanical decoupling of orogenic crust.
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