Thesis (Selection of subject)Thesis (Selection of subject)(version: 368)
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Rytmická stabilizace dle Kabata a její srovnání s technikou prováděnou v praxi.
Thesis title in Czech: Rytmická stabilizace dle Kabata a její srovnání s technikou prováděnou v praxi.
Thesis title in English: Comparison of rhythmic stabilization according to Kabat with the techniques used in practice.
Key words: elektromyografie, pánev, PNF, povrchová elektromyografie, proprioceptivní neuromuskulární facilitace, rytmická stabilizace, stabilita, stabilizace
English key words: electromyography, pelvis, PNF, surface electromyography, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation, rhythmic stabilization, stability, stabilization
Academic year of topic announcement: 2011/2012
Thesis type: diploma thesis
Thesis language: čeština
Department: Fyzioterapie (51-500400)
Supervisor: Mgr. Jiřina Holubářová
Author: hidden - assigned by the advisor
Date of registration: 30.01.2012
Date of assignment: 30.01.2012
Date and time of defence: 10.05.2013 00:00
Date of electronic submission:26.04.2013
Date of submission of printed version:26.04.2013
Date of proceeded defence: 10.05.2013
Opponents: MUDr. David Pánek, Ph.D.
Preliminary scope of work
Jedná experimentální studii, ve které je analyzována a poté vyhodnocena míra koaktivace antagonistů a stupeň svalové síly ve dvou rozdílných situacích – při technice PNF a technice postrků. Jako objektivizační metoda sloužila povrchová elektromyografie. Výzkumný soubor tvořilo 7 probandů.
Preliminary scope of work in English
This is an experimental study which is analyzed and then assessing the level of cocontraction of antagonists and the degree of muscle strength in two different ways- the technique of PNF and technique pushing. We use a surface electromyography as an objectification method. The sample consisted of 7 probands.
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