InquiryInquiry(version: 716)
In the summer semester of the academic year 2023/2024, data collection is allowed from 27.05.2024 until 15.09.2024. (MFF)
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  • Data jsou dostupná pouze pro Both semesters.
Suggestions to education (Both semesters)
Course: Department:
When the course guarantor is selected, comments will be displayed regarding his/her teaching performance as well as that of all the other teachers teaching the course. If a teacher who is not the course guarantor is selected, only comments related to his/her teaching will be displayed.
Mgr. Matúš Goliaš [32-KSVI], Machine Learning in Computer Vision [NPGR035, cvičení]
Student has disallowed display of personal data, 17.02.2024, 1. ročník, Computer Science, Bachelor's
Always available for the students. Very helpful for the assignments.
Student has disallowed display of personal data, 17.02.2024, 1. ročník, Computer Science, Bachelor's
The assistant was very helpful and always answered in short manner.
Mgr. Matúš Goliaš [32-KSVI], Computer Vision [NPGR036, cvičení]
Student has disallowed display of personal data, 15.09.2023, 3. Year, Informatika, Bachelor's
Snažil se pomoct a poradit
Student has disallowed display of personal data, 10.09.2023, 2. ročník, Informatika, Bachelor's
Na cvičeniach, na ktoré som zo začiatku chodil, mi prišli úlohy trochu náročné. Možno by som popri výpomoci prijal aj ukážkové riešenia aspoň niektorých úloh na konci cvičení.
doc. RNDr. Elena Šikudová, Ph.D. [32-KSVI], Machine Learning in Computer Vision [NPGR035, cvičení]
Student has disallowed display of personal data, 17.02.2024, 1. ročník, Computer Science, Bachelor's
The professor was available to answer any questions.
doc. RNDr. Elena Šikudová, Ph.D. [32-KSVI], Computer Vision [NPGR036, cvičení]
Student has disallowed display of personal data, 15.09.2023, 3. Year, Informatika, Bachelor's
Nebyla tak přítomná
doc. RNDr. Elena Šikudová, Ph.D. [32-KSVI], Computer Vision [NPGR036, přednáška]
Student has disallowed display of personal data, 15.09.2023, 3. ročník, Informatika, Bachelor's
Ochotná přednášející
Student has disallowed display of personal data, 10.09.2023, 2. ročník, Informatika, Bachelor's
Skvelé prednášky.
Comment on course, Computer Vision [NPGR036, cvičení]
Student has disallowed display of personal data, 15.09.2023, 3. Year, Informatika, Bachelor's
Není tolik přínosné
Student has disallowed display of personal data, 10.09.2023, 2. ročník, Informatika, Bachelor's
Dokázal som sa obísť aj bez cviční.
Comment on course, Computer Vision [NPGR036, přednáška]
Student has disallowed display of personal data, 15.09.2023, 3. ročník, Informatika, Bachelor's
Ne úplně tak přínosné
Student has disallowed display of personal data, 10.09.2023, 2. ročník, Informatika, Bachelor's
Predmet akurátne zachytáva témy, ktorým sa venuje.
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