When the course guarantor is selected, comments will be displayed regarding his/her teaching performance as well as that of all the other teachers teaching the course. If a teacher who is not the course guarantor is selected, only comments related to his/her teaching will be displayed.
Bernadette Higgins, M.A. [41-KAJL], English Literature of the 19th Century [OB2301011, cvičení]
Student has disallowed display of personal data, 07.01.2016, 2. Year, Specializace v pedagogice, Bachelor's
I'd prefer an oral examination at the end of each semester. The seminars are practical and definitely enriching.
Student has disallowed display of personal data, 21.01.2016, 2. Year, Specializace v pedagogice, Bachelor's
It was very nice :)
Barbora Imrišková, 14.01.2017, 3. Year, Specializace v pedagogice, Bachelor's
The seminars were inspiring and enjoyable, Ms Higgins encourages students to take part, speak up and share their opinions. The required literature was also well-chosen and analysed. My only issue was with the essay topics, which were sent only after the book/poem has been dealt with at the seminar, sometimes with a delay, therefore the students wishing to write about the last book had to wait until mid-December to get the topic. I would have preferred to have the topics beforehand, in order to avoid time pressure near the deadline.
Bernadette Higgins, M.A. [41-KAJL], English Literature of the 19th Century [OB2301011, přednáška]
Student has disallowed display of personal data, 04.01.2016, 2. Year, Specializace v pedagogice, Bachelor's
The entire department is lovely! Bernie's lectures and seminars are enthralling and always offer a fresh new perspective with a little bit of humour, too.
Barbora Imrišková, 14.01.2017, 3. Year, Specializace v pedagogice, Bachelor's
The lectures were comprehensive, well-structured and lively.