InquiryInquiry(version: 718)
In the winter semester of the academic year 2024/2025, data collection is allowed from 06.01.2025 until 16.02.2025. (MFF)
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  • Data jsou dostupná pouze pro Both semesters.
Suggestions to education (Both semesters)
Course: Department:
When the course guarantor is selected, comments will be displayed regarding his/her teaching performance as well as that of all the other teachers teaching the course. If a teacher who is not the course guarantor is selected, only comments related to his/her teaching will be displayed.
Erin Claire Carson, Ph.D. [32-KNM], Numerical Linear Algebra for Data Science and Informatics [NMNV468, přednáška]
Student has disallowed display of personal data, 28.06.2024, 1. ročník, Matematika pro informační technologie, Master's (post-Bachelor)
Sometimes it took 3-4 hours to solve all the problems from the exercises. Beside of that, the exercises were good and they connected the ideas from the lectures.
Comment on course, Numerical Linear Algebra for Data Science and Informatics [NMNV468, přednáška]
Student has disallowed display of personal data, 28.06.2024, 1. ročník, Matematika pro informační technologie, Master's (post-Bachelor)
This course is great. It gives you detailed informations about the real-world numerical linear algebra methods and ideas. Also the professor is super kind and helpful.
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