Témata prací (Výběr práce)Témata prací (Výběr práce)(verze: 381)
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Role elektrod v efektu chiralitou indukované spinové selektivity
Název práce v češtině: Role elektrod v efektu chiralitou indukované spinové selektivity
Název v anglickém jazyce: The role of leads in the effect of chirality induced spin selectivity
Akademický rok vypsání: 2024/2025
Typ práce: bakalářská práce
Jazyk práce:
Ústav: Katedra fyziky kondenzovaných látek (32-KFKL)
Vedoucí / školitel: RNDr. Martin Žonda, Ph.D.
Zásady pro vypracování
The student will:

1. learn the basics of transport theory,
2. understand and be able to construct Hamiltonians of simple models
written in the language of creation and annihilation operators
3. will learn to write hers/his own code in Python using the transport
package KWANT
4. will provide hers/his own research on an open, unsolved problem,
with numerous possible applications
Seznam odborné literatury
Basics of transport theory:
Electronic transport in mesoscopic systems; Supriyo Datta
A Chirality-Based Quantum Leap: A Forward-Looking Review,
Předběžná náplň práce
An unusually large spin polarization of the charge current was
observed experimentally in chiral organic molecule systems like
double-stranded DNA, oligopeptides,polyalamines or helicene chains.
This intriguing phenomenon of chiral induced spin selectivity (CISS)
means that there is a strong preference towards a one-way passage of
electrons with one spin orientation (e.g., “up”) to the other “down”
in systems in systems where it was not expected. Despite tremendous
theoretical and experimental effort, motivated by numerous possible
applications, there is still no consensus on the underlying physical
mechanism behind this effect. However, the research suggests, that to
decipher the mysterious CISS effect, we need to firstly understand how
it is influenced by the leads involved in the transport measurements.
The student will focus on experimentally relevant case of leads with
finite spin-orbit coupling and investigate its influence on the CISS

To this goal the student will learn to work with the transport code
KWANT, namely how to construct basic tight-binding Hamiltonian coupled
to metallic leads and how to calculate transmission characteristics.
The student will write his/hers own script, will get familiar with the
basics properties of simple CISS model system and then will
investigate the influence of spin-orbit coupling in the leads on the
equilibrium transmission function.
Předběžná náplň práce v anglickém jazyce
An unusually large spin polarization of the charge current was
observed experimentally in chiral organic molecule systems like
double-stranded DNA, oligopeptides,polyalamines or helicene chains.
This intriguing phenomenon of chiral induced spin selectivity (CISS)
means that there is a strong preference towards a one-way passage of
electrons with one spin orientation (e.g., “up”) to the other “down”
in systems in systems where it was not expected. Despite tremendous
theoretical and experimental effort, motivated by numerous possible
applications, there is still no consensus on the underlying physical
mechanism behind this effect. However, the research suggests, that to
decipher the mysterious CISS effect, we need to firstly understand how
it is influenced by the leads involved in the transport measurements.
The student will focus on experimentally relevant case of leads with
finite spin-orbit coupling and investigate its influence on the CISS

To this goal the student will learn to work with the transport code
KWANT, namely how to construct basic tight-binding Hamiltonian coupled
to metallic leads and how to calculate transmission characteristics.
The student will write his/hers own script, will get familiar with the
basics properties of simple CISS model system and then will
investigate the influence of spin-orbit coupling in the leads on the
equilibrium transmission function.
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