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Vývoj pozůstatků po splynutí hvězd
Název práce v češtině: Vývoj pozůstatků po splynutí hvězd
Název v anglickém jazyce: Evolution of remnants of merged stars
Akademický rok vypsání: 2024/2025
Typ práce: diplomová práce
Jazyk práce:
Ústav: Ústav teoretické fyziky (32-UTF)
Vedoucí / školitel: doc. Mgr. Ondřej Pejcha, Ph.D.
Zásady pro vypracování
When two stars merge, the resulting object is highly perturbed and suffering from high rotational rate, differential rotation, unstable distribution of chemical elements, and mass loss. Many observed peculiar objects have been attributed to stellar mergers: blue stragglers, R CrB stars, FK Com stars, eta Car, progenitor of SN1987A, etc. There are now also indications that the merger of two neutron stars leave behind a long-lived baryonic remnant close to hydrostatic equilibrium.

Despite these suggestions, we are missing a complete picture of the evolutionary trajectories, dependence on the properties of merging stars, and comprehensive connection to observations. The goal of this project is to provide theoretical models that alleviate this deficiency. First, evolution after merger will be studied using conventional 1D stellar evolution to understand the relevant physical processes and the limitations of their numerical implementations. Next, the merged star will be simulated with a low Mach number hydrodynamics code and the results will be compared to the 1D stellar evolution code. Finally, the amplification and evolution of magnetic fields will be assessed. These theoretical predictions will then be used to synthesize a theoretical picture for the plethora of observed phenomena. A possible side projects include studying the evolution of merged neutron stars and properly understanding the response of stars to mass loss using numerical and analytical techniques.
Seznam odborné literatury
"Greatly enhanced eccentricity oscillations in quadruple systems composed of two binaries: implications for stars, planets and transients" (http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2013MNRAS.435..943P)
"Cool and luminous transients from mass-losing binary stars" (http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2016MNRAS.455.4351P)
"Pre-explosion Spiral Mass Loss of a Binary Star Merger" (http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2017ApJ...850...59P)
"Shock-powered light curves of luminous red novae as signatures of pre-dynamical mass-loss in stellar mergers" (http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2017MNRAS.471.3200M)
Předběžná náplň práce
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