The goal of thesis is first surveying existing search and branching strategies for solving scheduling problems, then comparing their efficiency on selected classical problems, and finally customizing or enhancing some strategy for a new type of problems such as problems with optional activities.
Seznam odborné literatury
Roman Barták: Constraint Satisfaction for Planning and Scheduling. In Ionannis Vlahavas, Dimitris Vrakas (eds.): Intelligent Techniques for Planning, Idea Group, 2005, pp. 320-353.
Angelo Oddi, Amedeo Cesta, Nicola Policella, and Stephen F. Smith: Iterative Flattening Search for Multi-Capacity Scheduling Problems. In In Miguel A. Salido, Juan Fdez-Olivares (Eds.) Planning, Scheduling and Constraint Satisfaction, Universidad de Salamanca, 2007, pp. 10-21.
Předběžná náplň práce
Scheduling problems are hard combinatorial problems with direct applicability in industry. For solving really hard problems, some search techniques are necessary to explore candidate schedules. This work deals with search strategies and branching schemes used to solve scheduling problems. The emphasis is on evaluating these techniques in the context of constraint-based scheduling.