Kurdistan Regional Government: Internal Constrains and Failed Quest for Independence
Název práce v češtině: | Kurdská regionální vláda: vnitřní překážky a neúspěšná snaha o zisk nezávislosti |
Název v anglickém jazyce: | Kurdistan Regional Government: Internal Constrains and Failed Quest for Independence |
Klíčová slova: | Kurdistan; Nezávislost; Ústava; Vláda. |
Klíčová slova anglicky: | Kurdistan; Independence; Constitution; Government. |
Akademický rok vypsání: | 2020/2021 |
Typ práce: | diplomová práce |
Jazyk práce: | angličtina |
Ústav: | Katedra politologie (23-KP) |
Vedoucí / školitel: | Mgr. Bohumil Doboš, Ph.D. |
Řešitel: | skrytý - zadáno vedoucím/školitelem |
Datum přihlášení: | 12.01.2021 |
Datum zadání: | 12.01.2021 |
Datum a čas obhajoby: | 19.09.2022 10:15 |
Místo konání obhajoby: | Pekařská 16, JPEK312, 312, Malá učebna, 3.patro |
Datum odevzdání elektronické podoby: | 02.08.2022 |
Datum proběhlé obhajoby: | 19.09.2022 |
Oponenti: | doc. Martin Riegl, Ph.D. |
Kontrola URKUND: |
Zásady pro vypracování |
According to the FSV-IEPS standards. |
Seznam odborné literatury |
1. Ali Saleem, Zmkan and Skelton, Mac (2020) Assessing Iraqi Kurdistan's stability: how patronage shapes conflict. LSE Middle East Centre Paper Series (38). LSE Middle East Centre, London, UK. http://eprints.lse.ac.uk/105775/
2. Fahrettin Sumer & Jay Joseph (2018) The paradox of the Iraqi Kurdish referendum on independence: contradictions and hopes for economic prosperity, British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 45:4, 574 588, DOI: 10.1080/13530194.2018.1430533 3. Riegl, Martin & Doboš, Bohumil. (2017). “Unrecognized States and Secession in the 21st Century”. Springer International Publishing, 2017. 10.1007/978-3-319-56913-0 4. Hawre Hasan Hama (2020) IRAQI KURDISTAN’S 2017 INDEPENDENCE REFERENDUM: THE KDP’S PUBLIC AND PRIVATE MOTIVES, Asian Affairs, 51:1, 109-125, DOI: 10.1080/03068374.2019.1706338 5. Kamaran Palani, Jaafar Khidir, Mark Dechesne & Edwin Bakker (2020) “De facto states engagement with parent states: Kurdistan’s engagement with the Iraqi Government”, British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, DOI: 10.1080/13530194.2020.1714429 6. Ofra Bengio (2018) “Contextualizing the Kurdish national project: the failed Iraqi nation-state thesis”, British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 45:4, 559 573, DOI: 10.1080/13530194.2018.1430532 |
Předběžná náplň práce |
Topic Characteristics / Research Question(s):
My thesis will focus on the following general research question: How the internal constrains and sectarian struggle within KRG caused a failed attempt of quest for independence? Since 2003, Iraq went into a major shift of authority in which the many political parties who fought for leadership failed to keep peace in the region, however, for many – like ruling parties in KRI – a golden compass was in the pot to gain more authority in the region. Apart from the recognition of KRG as an autonomous region in the ratified Iraqi Constitutional Law in 2005, the Kurdish parties succeeded to gain prominent roles in forming the Iraqi parliament and government – an elected Kurdish president of Iraq. However, the relationship between KRI and Iraqi government has been highly affected by the sectarianism of the KRI’s two most powerful parties PUK and PDK and their association with non-state actors and neighboring countries. What fails the most to be determined is that KRI is not one united region but almost decentralized. I will try to show the differences between these two parties and their relationship with central government of Iraq as played on the ground rather than taking KRI as sole actor in talking about a de-facto state and its failed quest for independence. I will also focus on the external actors that play a major role in interfering with the political and economic ambitions of both parties leading to a more decentralized state. Additionally, I will try to show gaps between what’s stated in the Iraqi law and constitution and how these laws are abided in real ground. Working hypotheses: 1. Kurdistan Regional Government is not a united entity in playing the political game for independence. 2. Territorial division in KRI is a threat to political conflict and instability. 3. KRG’s relation and conflict with the parent state is a cause to instability in the region. Methodology: For my research, I will depend on existing academic literature reviews and case studies by using conceptual framework to understand and interpret my analysis. I will use primary and secondary sources as well as in-field data collection, in-person interviews, and media publication to analyze different factors having strong influence in the political and economic struggles of the region. Outline: 1 Abstract 2 Executive Summary 3 Introduction 1.1 De-facto states – a conceptual framework 1.2 Research Question and Objective 1.3 Methodology 4 KRG since 2003 – a Historical overview 2.1 Internal conflicts within KRG 2.1.1 PUK’s territorial authority and relationship with its economic allies (external powers) 2.1.2 PDK’s territorial authority and relationship with its economic allies (external powers). 2.2 Other external powers and influence in the region 2.3 Relationship with the central government 2.4 Recognition of an autonomous KRG in Iraqi Constitution (2005) 5 Oil Geopolitics and its power to the quest for Kurdish Independence 5.1 Distribution of shared oil territories 5.2 Conflict over oil revenues leading to conflict in annual budget distribution 6 External interested and influence in the region 6.1 Iran 6.2 Turkey 6.3 Russia 6.4 USA and the western powers 7 The fight against ISIS 7.1 Kurdish forces as one of the major forces in the fight against ISIS 7.2 Territorial gain of disputed regions 7.3 Referendum for Independence 2017 7.3.1 KDP and PUK’s conflict of interest 7.3.2 Failure in gaining international recognition 8 KRG from 2017 onward 8.1 Conflict with Iraqi government 8.2 Losing authority in disputed territories 8.3 The future of KRG in Iraq 8.4 The future of KRG’s international relations 9 Conclusion |
Předběžná náplň práce v anglickém jazyce |
Topic Characteristics / Research Question(s):
My thesis will focus on the following general research question: How the internal constrains and sectarian struggle within KRG caused a failed attempt of quest for independence? Since 2003, Iraq went into a major shift of authority in which the many political parties who fought for leadership failed to keep peace in the region, however, for many – like ruling parties in KRI – a golden compass was in the pot to gain more authority in the region. Apart from the recognition of KRG as an autonomous region in the ratified Iraqi Constitutional Law in 2005, the Kurdish parties succeeded to gain prominent roles in forming the Iraqi parliament and government – an elected Kurdish president of Iraq. However, the relationship between KRI and Iraqi government has been highly affected by the sectarianism of the KRI’s two most powerful parties PUK and PDK and their association with non-state actors and neighboring countries. What fails the most to be determined is that KRI is not one united region but almost decentralized. I will try to show the differences between these two parties and their relationship with central government of Iraq as played on the ground rather than taking KRI as sole actor in talking about a de-facto state and its failed quest for independence. I will also focus on the external actors that play a major role in interfering with the political and economic ambitions of both parties leading to a more decentralized state. Additionally, I will try to show gaps between what’s stated in the Iraqi law and constitution and how these laws are abided in real ground. Working hypotheses: 1. Kurdistan Regional Government is not a united entity in playing the political game for independence. 2. Territorial division in KRI is a threat to political conflict and instability. 3. KRG’s relation and conflict with the parent state is a cause to instability in the region. Methodology: For my research, I will depend on existing academic literature reviews and case studies by using conceptual framework to understand and interpret my analysis. I will use primary and secondary sources as well as in-field data collection, in-person interviews, and media publication to analyze different factors having strong influence in the political and economic struggles of the region. Outline: 1 Abstract 2 Executive Summary 3 Introduction 1.1 De-facto states – a conceptual framework 1.2 Research Question and Objective 1.3 Methodology 4 KRG since 2003 – a Historical overview 2.1 Internal conflicts within KRG 2.1.1 PUK’s territorial authority and relationship with its economic allies (external powers) 2.1.2 PDK’s territorial authority and relationship with its economic allies (external powers). 2.2 Other external powers and influence in the region 2.3 Relationship with the central government 2.4 Recognition of an autonomous KRG in Iraqi Constitution (2005) 5 Oil Geopolitics and its power to the quest for Kurdish Independence 5.1 Distribution of shared oil territories 5.2 Conflict over oil revenues leading to conflict in annual budget distribution 6 External interested and influence in the region 6.1 Iran 6.2 Turkey 6.3 Russia 6.4 USA and the western powers 7 The fight against ISIS 7.1 Kurdish forces as one of the major forces in the fight against ISIS 7.2 Territorial gain of disputed regions 7.3 Referendum for Independence 2017 7.3.1 KDP and PUK’s conflict of interest 7.3.2 Failure in gaining international recognition 8 KRG from 2017 onward 8.1 Conflict with Iraqi government 8.2 Losing authority in disputed territories 8.3 The future of KRG in Iraq 8.4 The future of KRG’s international relations 9 Conclusion |