‘Leave No One Behind’: The Rhetoric of Equality in the Sustainable Development Goals for Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights for Undocumented Migrants
Název práce v češtině:
Myslet na všechny": Rétorika rovnosti v cílech udržitelného rozvoje práv na sexuální a reprodukční zdraví nedokumentovaných migrantů.
Název v anglickém jazyce:
‘Leave No One Behind’: The Rhetoric of Equality in the Sustainable Development Goals for Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights for Undocumented Migrants
Klíčová slova:
reproductive health, sexuality, sexual and reproductive healthcare, undocumented migrants, policy analysis, gender equality.
Klíčová slova anglicky:
reproductive health, sexuality, sexual and reproductive healthcare, undocumented migrants, policy analysis, gender equality.
‘Leaving no one behind’ is the slogan for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in Europe and the Sustainable Development Goals in the agenda are addressed through various strategies and action plans. Goal 3 of the Agenda aims to “Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages” which includes sexual and reproductive health. However, it leads to the question of whether the policy frameworks are leading to the goal of ‘leaving no one behind’. In order to answer the question Health 2020 Policy Framework and Action plan for sexual and reproductive health will be the main policy documents to use in the critical discourse analysis by asking the question how the rhetoric of equality reproduces inequalities through the over-inclusive discourse. Asking this question, I argue that that the inclusive discourse creates invisibilities and inequalities for multilayered issues which require an intersectional approach and in the sexual and reproductive health rights, undocumented migrants’ rights is one of them. The construction of the inequalities in the discourse will be analyzed by identifying recurring patterns, the multiplicity of the discourse and the invisibility through gaps. The analysis will demonstrate that the policy frameworks and reports that address the sexual and reproductive health under SDGs often fail to create an intersectional approach to include everyone as it is aimed.
Předběžná náplň práce v anglickém jazyce
‘Leaving no one behind’ is the slogan for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in Europe and the Sustainable Development Goals in the agenda are addressed through various strategies and action plans. Goal 3 of the Agenda aims to “Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages” which includes sexual and reproductive health. However, it leads to the question of whether the policy frameworks are leading to the goal of ‘leaving no one behind’. In order to answer the question Health 2020 Policy Framework and Action plan for sexual and reproductive health will be the main policy documents to use in the critical discourse analysis by asking the question how the rhetoric of equality reproduces inequalities through the over-inclusive discourse. Asking this question, I argue that that the inclusive discourse creates invisibilities and inequalities for multilayered issues which require an intersectional approach and in the sexual and reproductive health rights, undocumented migrants’ rights is one of them. The construction of the inequalities in the discourse will be analyzed by identifying recurring patterns, the multiplicity of the discourse and the invisibility through gaps. The analysis will demonstrate that the policy frameworks and reports that address the sexual and reproductive health under SDGs often fail to create an intersectional approach to include everyone as it is aimed.