Comprehensive Trade Agreement between Asymmetric Partners
Název práce v češtině: | Všeobecná obchodní dohoda mezi asymetrickými partnery |
Název v anglickém jazyce: | Comprehensive Trade Agreement between Asymmetric Partners |
Klíčová slova: | Trade Agreement; Partnership; EU; Andean Community |
Klíčová slova anglicky: | Trade Agreement; Partnership; EU; Andean Community |
Akademický rok vypsání: | 2017/2018 |
Typ práce: | diplomová práce |
Jazyk práce: | angličtina |
Ústav: | Institut ekonomických studií (23-IES) |
Vedoucí / školitel: | Mgr. Michal Paulus |
Řešitel: | skrytý![]() |
Datum přihlášení: | 20.05.2018 |
Datum zadání: | 20.05.2018 |
Datum a čas obhajoby: | 23.09.2019 00:00 |
Datum odevzdání elektronické podoby: | 31.07.2019 |
Datum proběhlé obhajoby: | 23.09.2019 |
Oponenti: | Ing. Vilém Semerák, M.A., Ph.D. |
Kontrola URKUND: | ![]() |
Zásady pro vypracování |
In the first part of the thesis I will present a literature review on the effects of free trade agreements in the Western hemisphere over the last decades, focusing on trade agreements with asymmetric eco-nomic structures.
I will further examine additional free trade agreements of the ANDEAN community, for example with MERCOSUR and Canada. To assess the effects on trade creation and diversion of the establishment of the ANDEAN Community on its members, as well as the effects of the implementation of the free trade agreement on the count-ries Colombia and Peru I will use gravity models. |
Seznam odborné literatury |
Ariza, J., & Henao-Rodríguez, C. (2016, December). Application of a gravity model in the evaluation of the ... Retrieved from
European Parliament. (2016, March). EU–Latin America trade relations: Overview and figures - Think Tank. Re-trieved from Kepaptsoglou, K., Karlaftis, M. G., & Tsamboulas, D. (2010). The Gravity Model Specification for Modeling In-ternational Trade Flows and Free Trade Agreement Effects: A 10-Year Review of Empirical Studies The Open Economics Journal, 3(1), 1-13. doi:10.2174/1874919401003010001 Martin-Mayoral, F., Carofilis, G. M., & Guijarro, J. C. (2016). The effects of integration agreements in Western Hemisphere trade, 1970–2014. The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, 25(5), 724-756. doi:10.1080/09638199.2015.1125519 Silva, M. (2014). Peru: A trade environment in which Peru can boost regional trade and exports. International Trade Forum, 2014(2), 26-26. doi:10.18356/7788636e-en |
Předběžná náplň práce |
Latin America is meanwhile the fifth largest trading partner of the European Union. Over the last de-cade we could witness increasing efforts of both parties to deepen their trade relations, especially since the relations with the US have recently become more difficult.
Within Latin America, the ANDEAN community represents one trading bloc and a free trade agree-ment among the EU and Peru and Colombia was implemented in 2013. Recently Ecuador also joined the agreement, leaving Bolivia as the only outsider. Considering the preferential treatment that all other ANDEAN community member countries will soon enjoy, it increases the pressure on Bolivia to also join the agreement and creates an opportunity of further deepen the trade relations among both parties. This paper will assess the general impacts of the ANDEAN community member countries since the establishment of the customs union, with regard to its intra-community as well as extra community tra-de developments. It will further assess the impacts of the free trade agreement with the EU had so far on Peru and Co-lombia, as well as the potential benefits it could have on Ecuador and Bolivia. Working hypotheses: 1.Positive economic impacts for member countries of the ANDEAN community since the establishment of the customs union 2.General positive economic impacts for the member countries that have implemented the free trade agreement with the EU 3.Member Countries of the Andean community that have not yet implemented the trade deal will also economically benefit from it. Outline: 1.Introduction 2.Theoretical Background and review of free trade agreements 3.Analysis of free trade agreements between parties of asymmetric and symmetric size 4. Impacts of free trade agreements on ANDEAN community countries 4.1 intra-and extra community trade4.1 Analysis on EU trade with Peru and Colombia since 2013 4.2 Potential Impacts on Trade of Ecuador and Bolivia with the EU 5. Conclusion 6. Bibliography |
Předběžná náplň práce v anglickém jazyce |
Latin America is meanwhile the fifth largest trading partner of the European Union. Over the last de-cade we could witness increasing efforts of both parties to deepen their trade relations, especially since the relations with the US have recently become more difficult.
Within Latin America, the ANDEAN community represents one trading bloc and a free trade agree-ment among the EU and Peru and Colombia was implemented in 2013. Recently Ecuador also joined the agreement, leaving Bolivia as the only outsider. Considering the preferential treatment that all other ANDEAN community member countries will soon enjoy, it increases the pressure on Bolivia to also join the agreement and creates an opportunity of further deepen the trade relations among both parties. This paper will assess the general impacts of the ANDEAN community member countries since the establishment of the customs union, with regard to its intra-community as well as extra community tra-de developments. It will further assess the impacts of the free trade agreement with the EU had so far on Peru and Co-lombia, as well as the potential benefits it could have on Ecuador and Bolivia. Working hypotheses: 1.Positive economic impacts for member countries of the ANDEAN community since the establishment of the customs union 2.General positive economic impacts for the member countries that have implemented the free trade agreement with the EU 3.Member Countries of the Andean community that have not yet implemented the trade deal will also economically benefit from it. Outline: 1.Introduction 2.Theoretical Background and review of free trade agreements 3.Analysis of free trade agreements between parties of asymmetric and symmetric size 4. Impacts of free trade agreements on ANDEAN community countries 4.1 intra-and extra community trade4.1 Analysis on EU trade with Peru and Colombia since 2013 4.2 Potential Impacts on Trade of Ecuador and Bolivia with the EU 5. Conclusion 6. Bibliography |