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Central Bank Independence – Theory and Case of Czech and Slovak National Bank
Název práce v češtině: Nezávislost centrálních bank – teorie a případové studie České národní banky a Národní banky Slovenska
Název v anglickém jazyce: Central Bank Independence – Theory and Case of Czech and Slovak National Bank
Akademický rok vypsání: 2010/2011
Typ práce: bakalářská práce
Jazyk práce: angličtina
Ústav: Institut ekonomických studií (23-IES)
Vedoucí / školitel: doc. PhDr. Adam Geršl, Ph.D.
Řešitel: skrytý - zadáno vedoucím/školitelem
Datum přihlášení: 07.06.2011
Datum zadání: 07.06.2011
Datum a čas obhajoby: 20.06.2012 00:00
Místo konání obhajoby: Opletalova 26
Datum odevzdání elektronické podoby:17.05.2012
Datum proběhlé obhajoby: 20.06.2012
Oponenti: Ing. Oksana Melikhova, Ph.D.
Seznam odborné literatury
• ALESINA, A. & SUMMERS, L. H. (1993) : “Central Bank Independence and Macroeconomic Performance.“ Journal of Money, Credit and Banking
• CUKIERMAN, A. (1992): “Central Bank Strategy, Credibility, and Independence: Theory and Evidence.“ The MIT press
• EIJFFINGER, S. C. W. & HAAN, J. De (1996) : “The Political Economy of Central Bank Independence.“ Special Papers in International Economics
• GERŠL, A. (2006) : “Economics and Politics of Macroeconomic Policies.“ IES FSV UK Dissertation Thesis
• GERŠL, A. (2006) : “Political Pressure on Central Banks: The Case of the Czech National Bank.“ Czech Journal of Economics and Finance
• KUKUK, P. (2009) : “Political Pressure on the National Bank of Slovakia.“ IES FSV UK Diploma Thesis
• Laws on Czech National Bank and Slovak National Bank
• MALISZEWSKI, W.S. (2000) : “Central Bank Independence in Transition Economies.“ Economics of Transition
• MARTINČÍK, D. (2006) : “Míra nezávislosti ČNB – minulý vývoj a vstup do EMU.“ Firma a konkurenční prostředí
• POSPÍŠIL, J. (1997) : “Inflation and the Independence of a Central Bank.“ Eastern European Economics
Předběžná náplň práce
The independence of a central bank is an openly accepted economic concept which was mainly driven by the desire for stable price level following periods of high inflation. In this thesis we would like to focus on two aspects of central bank independence – the theory behind it and the analysis and comparison of the level of independence of central banks in the Czech Republic and Slovak Republic. After a detailed review of literature we will study the juridical background in which Czech and Slovak National Banks operate. We aim at constructing an advanced index of central bank independence that would reflect the recent literature, compare it to the so far existing indices and use them to comment and compare between the respective central banks.
Preliminary structure
1. Introduction
2. Theoretical concepts and approaches
3. Analysis of independence of CNB
4. Analysis of independence of NBS
5. Comparison
6. Conclusion
Předběžná náplň práce v anglickém jazyce
The independence of a central bank is an openly accepted economic concept which was mainly driven by the desire for stable price level following periods of high inflation. In this thesis we would like to focus on two aspects of central bank independence – the theory behind it and the analysis and comparison of the level of independence of central banks in the Czech Republic and Slovak Republic. After a detailed review of literature we will study the juridical background in which Czech and Slovak National Banks operate. We aim at constructing an advanced index of central bank independence that would reflect the recent literature, compare it to the so far existing indices and use them to comment and compare between the respective central banks.
Preliminary structure
1. Introduction
2. Theoretical concepts and approaches
3. Analysis of independence of CNB
4. Analysis of independence of NBS
5. Comparison
6. Conclusion
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