Measuring corruption in developed countries
Název práce v češtině: | Měření politické korupce |
Název v anglickém jazyce: | Measuring corruption in developed countries |
Klíčová slova: | indexy, institucionální kvalita, protiprávní jednání, měření korupce, veřejná správa, vyspělé ekonomiky |
Klíčová slova anglicky: | advanced economies, illegal behavior, indices, institutional quality, measuring corruption, public administration |
Akademický rok vypsání: | 2010/2011 |
Typ práce: | diplomová práce |
Jazyk práce: | angličtina |
Ústav: | Institut ekonomických studií (23-IES) |
Vedoucí / školitel: | PhDr. Jaromír Baxa, Ph.D. |
Řešitel: | skrytý![]() |
Datum přihlášení: | 19.05.2011 |
Datum zadání: | 19.05.2011 |
Datum a čas obhajoby: | 02.02.2012 00:00 |
Místo konání obhajoby: | IES, Opletalova 26 |
Datum odevzdání elektronické podoby: | 09.01.2012 |
Datum proběhlé obhajoby: | 02.02.2012 |
Oponenti: | prof. Ing. Karel Janda, Dr., Ph.D., M.A. |
Zásady pro vypracování |
A corruption problem has gained importance over the last 30 years. Corruption can be used to explain varying
levels of volatility in global financial markets. In addition, international bodies such as the World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF), United Nations, OECD, European Union, and others are emphasizing corruption control in their recommendations for growth. These international institutions charge high prices for the countries corruption rankings used by the international companies and banks emphasizing the importance of this topic for the economic analysis. Empirical research on this topic has been hampered by the lack of adequate data until 1995, when the most popular measure of corruption, Transparency international’s corruption perception index (CPI), was launched. The research on corruption has come under the limelight recently. Nevertheless, there is still a need for further research in macroeconomic areas of this problem. Macroeconomic consequences of corruption did not get as much attention as the microeconomic aspects discussed within the framework of the rational-choice theory, public choice theory, or even a principal-agent problem. The thesis focuses on the consequences of corruption on the macroeconomic performance of developed countries. Particularly, even though the distinction between different types of corruption can be blurred, the thesis focuses on the most dangerous and hidden kind of corruption, i.e. grand or political corruption, and its determinants. What is particularly questionable is on which scope CPI captures this kind of corruption as proclaimed in its methodology. The main contribution should be a critical assessment of the CPI’s ranking for the developed countries. The alternative methodologies of the so-called “second stage corruption measures” such as indices published by the Global Integrity or the Open Budget Survey will be compared for a set of countries. The main area of the interest is the economic and institutional environment of the Czech Republic and other EU countries with the sufficient data. However, for a comprehensive analysis of institutions driving corruption, other advanced economies worldwide (as characterized by IMF) will also be used. This enables us to conclude with the cases studies presenting successful policy implications of anti-corruption programs in particular countries worldwide as well as characterize the main limitations of the CPI’s rankings. This is a very new research area that is gaining on importance and can serve as a useful diagnostic tool for further economic research. |
Seznam odborné literatury |
1. ARON, J., 2000. Growth and Institutions: A Review of Evidence. The International Bank for
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Předběžná náplň práce |
A review of the literature on political corruption and CPI will be provided in the first part of thesis. The main
knowledge and ideas established on a topic will be listed, and what their strengths and weaknesses are will be discussed. The emphasis is going to be placed on the thesis‘s research objective. A critical appraisal will be used to identify biased estimations in the literature. The data will be analyzed for period of 1995 until now. The analysis will include the correlation tables among various measures of corruption levels across the countries. The critical analysis of the CPI will be in the first stage conducted through the construction of confidence intervals for a list of 30 developed countries. Moreover, plots of the CPI against various alternative corruption measures help to identify outliers in the CPI’s assessment. The regression analysis of the political corruption determinants on the GDP will be provided, followed by the robustness analysis. This is due to the possible causal relationships between explanatory and dependent variable. A possible endogenity problem can be eliminated by use of the instrumental variables. 1. There is a statistically significant relationship between the determinants of political corruption and the relevant data on the economic performance of advanced economies. 2. An impact of political corruption determinants on the economic performance of developed countries is negative and stronger than the effect of factors of economic corruption. 3. Some outliers among developed countries are expected when plotting CPI against the alternative measures of political corruption. This arises from the expectation that the political corruption in some CPI leading countries can be significantly higher than the economic corruption (e.g. Singapore). 4. The CPI is more sufficient in capturing perception of economic corruption rather than the political corruption. This fact is frequently omitted in the literature. 5. The informative value of the CPI for the EU countries is limited and does not offer very accurate order of countries. The confidence intervals provide more rigorous comparisons. |
Předběžná náplň práce v anglickém jazyce |
1. Introduction
a. Definition of political corruption b. Literature overview c. Determinants of political corruption 2. Indices measuring corruption a. CPI – methodology and its limitations b. Correlation among indices c. The second stage measures of corruption 3. Accessing impact on GDP a. Description of data b. Regression model c. Robustness analysis, causal relationships 4. Country Case Studies a. New Zealand, Hong Kong, Finland b. Limitations of the research 5. Conclusion |