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Mgr. Roman Neruda, CSc. [32-KTIML], Evoluční algoritmy 1 [NAIL025, přednáška]
Unmatched charisma and passion about the subject, and that's priceless. Many lecturers manage to make a subject boring, a few make a subject understandable, but only one or two in the entire world can make a subject enjoyable. And, for Evolutionary Algorithms, I think Prof. R. Neruda, is one of those two. I wish Prof. Neruda from whom I would love to learn much more, a happy, healthy, long and fruitful life. And to conclude:
"Even the coal's smoke can't rob Usti-Nad-Labem of its natural beauty.", make of this statement what you will.
Explanations where perfect, Dr. Pilat was available both in class and via email at all times, always helpful and listening to the students concerns. Please don't change.
Super. Líbí se mi jeho otevřený přístup a komunikace. Kdyby se Martinovi podařilo dostat do hodin trochu víc obsahu nebo nějaká zajímavá ineraktivní cvičení, tak by to bylo parádní. Ale i tak naprostá spokojenost.
Dr. Martin Pilat is close in terms of age to myself so his explanations of the Multi-Objective Optimisation (Moo) resonated with me (and I like to think, with other students too) on an optimal level. But that is not the only reason why it was optimal. Absolute mastery of the subject, and a great passion for it are obvious. One would think that, with Prof. Roman Neruda being most excellent as he is, Dr. Martin Pilat would have a hard time filling those enormous shoes, however reality was totally the opposite. The explanations were precise concise and conveyed all the necessary concepts with masterful simplicity. I would have wished the Moo subject took two consecutive sessions instead of one and more time was given to go deeper (and slightly slower) into NSGA I to III, and MOEAD to name a few.
I was also evaluated by Dr. Pilat, the questions really tested one's knowledge of the matter, and the stress-free climat in which the evaluation was conducted allowed me to answer to my optimal ability. The grading I think with respect to how hard I prepared for the exam and what I learned was fair. Dr. Pilat managed to make my first exam in Charles University not only a comfortable matter but surprisingly an enjoyable matter.
Připomínka k předmětu, Evoluční algoritmy 1 [NAIL025, cvičení]
For lack of better words, the practicals were excellent.
I understand that initially it was one task per week but that it was agglomerated in a per 2-3 weeks basis. I also understand that the course is moving towards agglomerating the tasks perhaps semester-wise. I strongly advise against that, I found that 3 weeks is optimal as a basis was optimal. I have made the experience of a semester-wise assignment, and it wasn't ideal, a student can quickly get lost. I understand that it is the responsibility of the student to keep track of their assignments but with so many course with different deadlines, prioritisation makes the further deadline always receive the least attention.
Cvika byly super, jen škoda, že toho občas bylo celkem málo k probrání. Možná by pomohla nějaká motivace, aby člověk rovnou začal programovat. Přiznám se, že mě trochu mátly úkoly, co se odevzdávaly naráz, protože jsem nějak měl pocit, že na tom do tý doby nemůžu pracovat (což byla chyba, určitě je super začít hned).
Skvělé cvičení - možná ho v průběhu semestru tak neoceníte, ale díky němu je zkouška nejvíc v pohodě, protože jste si skoro všechny probrané věci prakticky vyzkoušeli, takže přesně víte, jak co funguje.
Připomínka k předmětu, Evoluční algoritmy 1 [NAIL025, přednáška]
One can quickly find all sorts of words and superlatives to embellish something as mundane and normal as a class. However, when describing something beyond that, language becomes more of a handicap, and words are never fair or enough. Including the word 'Perfect'.
Cleverly organised, which shows the author's passion about the subject, the entire course is staged seamlessly from a chapter to the next. Starting from the simple genetic algorithm the concepts grow (somewhat chronologically, but not only) in complexity and breadth, both in terms of techniques as well as dimensions, yet the simplicity with which these concepts are explained and conveyed is delightful and they stick easily in memory. I found everything interesting even Evolutionary Programming even though it is a most complicated topic.