- Students

The Students menu serves for displaying schedules of groups of students.
First, you need to set a group of students into the filter:
If any of the options selected in the filter depends on the other options, all known values are automatically filled in and you can use only the options for finer selection.
In our example we have selected a combination I1 and SIS has filled in the type of studies, the study programme and the year of study. You can further define a specialization.
Press Display N... to see a set of all schedule items designed for the groups of students satisfying at least one of the following conditions:
  • type = post-bachelor
  • programme = computer science
  • year of study = 4
  • branch = I1 - theoretical computer science
  • combination = I1
By pressing Cancel selection you can clear the filled in options of the filter and you can enter a new combination.

Now you can use the submenus to display one of the available types of schedule:
  • Standard - all schedule items for the group of students in one week of the semester
  • Block - only block teaching during the whole semester
  • Detailed - overview of the teaching for the whole semester, day by day